Chapter 1: two years later

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I said I would update this on Saturday, but I won't be able to access Internet tomorrow. So to surprise you and not make you wait another date I'm posting it now. And HAPPY 4th OF July!!!

Percy's point of view

I'm going insane. Ever since Kronos captured me, and put me in a dungeon on their ship, the only thing I could do was sit and play with a bottle of water. Two years without sunlight. Two years without running. Worst of all, two years without Annabeth. If I counted correctly I'm turning twenty in two weeks. Why does my life have to be like this.

"I just want to get out of here!"

"Shut up", one of the guards yelled.


I heard the door to the dungeon open.

"Keep moving", a different guard yelled.

"Don't touch me", someone voice that sounded too familiar said. That can't be good.

I stood up and ran over to the bars.

Sure enough a boy with dirty blonde hair and in a purple shirt walked by with his hands behind his back. The guard came to my cell and unlocked it pushing the person in. I caught him and held him up.



Flash back

"It's okay Annabeth. It's okay."

"Here." I reached into my pocket and pulled out her dagger and slide it over to her.

"Stay safe Annabeth", I said as a tear dipped down my cheek as we started to disappear.

"No PERCY!!!! NOOO!!!!!"

We disappeared to the enemies' ship's control room.

"Percy, it's good to be back", Kronos said with his scythe still at my throat.

"If you're going to kill me, go ahead", I responded trying to sound brave even though I was scared out of my mind.

"Percy. I'm not got to kill you. I'm going to make you suffer. After all you did to me. Guards take him to the cells!"

They came behind me and grabbed my arms. Pulling me towards the doorway. They searched my pockets and took my sword and the small box my dad gave me.

'Im going to kill you Kronos', I said in my mind.

They set my stuff on a table in the middle of the room which just so happened to be right in front of me. Over those two years more and more stuff got piled up. They were probably going after the super heroes and Demi-gods.

End of flash back

"Percy, we though you were died. We thought that Kronos would make you suffer. If only they knew you were okay. If only Annabeth knew you were okay."

"Annabeth...", I said sitting down covering my face with my hands.

"Percy... After you disappeared...... all Annabeth did was cry......She wouldn't stop. I'm pretty sure she cried for a whole year. We tried to stop her and comfort her but she wouldn't listen to us. She only talked to Luke."

Those two years all I though about was Annabeth and how much I couldn't live without her.

"How is she now?" I lifted my head up and looked at him.

He stayed silent. He turned his head and looked away.

"Something's wrong. What happened to her Jason? What did she do?!"

Percy Jackson and the Avengers: The End of the WorldWhere stories live. Discover now