Sure, I regretted my actions, and kept telling myself that I was going to stop, but saying and doing are two completely different things. Actions speak louder than words—that'll be my motto from now to eternity.

Suddenly, I wanted those two people more than anything else in the entire universe. They couldn't have felt more far away.


We pulled into the station, and a dead weight dropped into my stomach. I had been arrested, and I was being taken into police custody. A small part of me had hoped they'd take me to the principal's office or something, but I knew that was wishful thinking; this was the real deal.

The fluorescents scalded my tired eyes as I stumbled down the tiled hallway. I was surprised when we stopped, not in front of some classic mug shot backdrop or finger printing station, but an innocent looking door. I wasn't fooled.

The officer all but shoved me inside, and the hallelujah chorus played as he uncuffed my sore wrists. I looked timidly at him, hoping to portray gratitude, but all he did was glare in warning. I could practically read his mind: "No funny business!"

He placed a heavy hand on my shoulder and prompted me to sit in the chair to the left of my knees. I sat, and King Kong finally left the room.

"You do realize this is a Class A offense," a crisp voice said, snapping my gaze away from the door. In front of me sat an older woman, hair far too perfect and uniform far too pressed for this time of night. I guessed she didn't see the tactical side of the field much—she looked more like a secretary than anything. 'Barnes' was engraved in no-nonsense letters across a classic metal plate. Maybe I was in the principal's office!

"Mr. Kherrington!" Her shrill voice pierced the small room, and I knew her grandmotherly appearance was only just that—an appearance.

"Y-yes ma'am?" My voice was thick in my throat, like I'd swallowed a glob of peanut butter, or even a toad.

Barnes huffed and sat straighter (if possible) in her high backed chair.

"You do realize this is a Class A offense, Mr. Kherrington," she repeated, but I just stared back, utterly confused by her justice lingo.

She rolled her eyes daintily and puckered her lips in distaste. "Possession of illegal substances is punishable by imprisonment, Mr. Kherrington. In your case, you were found to not only possess, but to have the intent to sell, ecstasy—a Class A drug. In extreme cases, one can be found guilty and serve a life sentence."

My heart was in my throat. My future had just been spelled out to me, in plain English. I was looking at spending the rest of my education in an orange jumpsuit.

I was never one to beg. That is clearly proven by my recent acts of utter stupidity and carelessness. However, sitting in that cold chair and looking at the cold woman who held the key to my future, all I felt was cold. It surrounded me, suffocated me, swallowed my screams and dreams and anything that ever mattered. I wanted to be warm, to feel Ben's arms around me, telling me it would all be okay. I wanted to feel Dana's reassuring pats and feel Cooper's rough hand tousle my hair. I wanted to feel Penny's knowing eyes, looking past my boundaries and into me, into Owen, into this boy that was so split down the middle.

"I want them," I found myself muttering, tucking my arms around myself in a poor attempt to imitate their hugs. Tears streamed ceaselessly down my face, and I had never felt so lost. I couldn't stop asking myself why I would ever do such a thing. I would never understand, and I could never take it back.

"Mr. Kherrington," I heard Barnes sigh, and I forced myself to look at her through blurry eyes. Her face wasn't any less stern, but I thought I saw a softening around her eyes. A glimmer of hope fluttered in my chest.

"You'll be expected to take a drug test," –hope gone- ,"and, should you pass, the charges will be dropped. Your involvement in this drug chain was found to be minimal. However, you will not leave without consequences; you're looking at a semester of community service and probation. Anymore trouble, of any kind, and you will be prosecuted. Is that understood, Mr. Kherrington?"

It was too much to wrap my head around. First, I was looking at life behind bars, and now, I would be free to go? This was more than too good to be true—this was surreal!

I couldn't catch my breath enough to thank her with all I had in me. I was hyperventilating from the massive turn around the night had taken. Sure, nothing was really fixed yet, but I actually had the chance to attempt to make things somewhat right again. I wouldn't have to face my family through Plexiglas for the next decade.

Barnes eyed me shrewdly from across her desk, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Life was still shit, but it didn't always have to be that way. I could, I would make things right again.

"Mr. Kherrington," Barnes called, voice still crisp as chilly air, and I eyed her gratefully. The next thing that came out of her mouth is something I will never forget.

"I sat with your parents in this same room, you know. However, their fate was a little different. Don't let history repeat itself, Owen."

Willow Academy (Spanking Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें