On the Run

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Sadie was beginning to wonder if she'll ever be ready to end this war. It had been days since they had seen the monsters in the destroyed neighborhood. She had gotten no time to practice her magic or her ooze because the monsters were everywhere. They were constantly running from the creatures. At this point, Sadie was exhausted and just wanted to sleep.

"Stay awake Sadie, come on," Pang said as she shook her.

"Please, just five minutes. We've been running for days and I've barely slept..." Sadie murmured.

"We're all tired, but" Pang paused to yawn, triggering Sadie to do the same, "if we stop then the monsters will find us."

"They'll find us eventually," she said, "but we'll be too tired to defend ourselves."

"Let's worry about that when they catch up," Jenny interrupted as she trudged ahead. They were currently traveling through a rocky landscape, trees being replaced by rock formations and muddy sinkholes by deep crevices.

"Why are we so high up again?" Jack asked, looking out at the empty sky.

"It's to keep the monsters off our trail," Popi replied as she scanned the horizon herself, "Our path is sporadic, random. Even we don't know where we're headed."

Sadie listened and her confusion doubled. Where were they going? If they don't have a destination, then what's the point of traveling. "I need to train!" she insisted, "I haven't been able to because we're traveling so much."

"We'll train once we're safe," Henry said, "The monsters have double their efforts in finding you ever since you started playing with that blasted magic."

"It's not Courage's fault," Sadie shot back, getting tired of his constant nagging about her magic, "Courage is the only reason that we're still alive. We would be dead back at Grandma's house if it weren't for them.

"Oh, it has a name now," Henry said through his teeth, glaring at the barren rock.

"Yes they have a name and they don't appreciate your tone!" Sadie shouted, Courage bubbling inside her with annoyance, "Courage isn't just magic, they're like...a person!"

"Magic is just energy, it doesn't have a conscience!" Henry shouted back.

"Enough you two!" Sam said, placing himself between the two siblings, "We're all tired and on edge, but that doesn't mean you get to fight."

"It's not my fault Henry hates Courage," Sadie said.

"Watch it, I'm still your older brother," Henry hissed before he stomped off ahead of them.

"Well, you're doing a pretty bad job!!!" Sadie shouted after him. Unease bombarded her and her crabby mood got worse. "Do you mind?!" Courage froze at her raised voice and shriveled slightly. Sadie's anger faltered and she sighed. "Sorry...not in the best mood right now...forgive me?" Courage cautiously curled and bobbed like it was nodding.

"Sadie...that wasn't very nice of you," Jenny said, approaching the drained girl, "Henry's trying his best."

Sadie frowned slightly, "He wasn't being very nice either...He hates Courage for no reason." She folded her arms, firmly planting her aching feet, "They've saved our butts multiple times!"

"Yes, but keep in mind that Courage is also the reason that the monsters are finding us in the first place," Owen added.

Sadie glared at him, "It's not they're fault..."

"That's doesn't change the fact that we're on the run."

Courage burned with her anger and her hands grew hot, "Don't start blaming Courage for that! Blame the monsters! They don't have to come after us, but they're doing it anyway!"

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