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You know what's pissing me off tonight? Nose bleeds. Yes, something so simple as a nose bleed is making me mad. Let's discuss, shall we?

It is currently 1:17am and I am wide awake. Now, because I'm an insomniac, that isn't too surprising, but usually by this time, I'm calm and able to lie down and rest. Why am I so awake you ask? Actually, I hope you figured out the answer to that already. If you didn't, I got a really bad nose bleed.

I was just relaxing. I took a sip of my water and put it back on the night stand. My nose was itchy, so what did I do? I rubbed my nose. Next thing I know, blood. Everywhere. All over my hands, my face, my pillow. It's such a mess. Then I had to find tissues, which were in my backpack. Not too hard right? Let me tell you, when it's in a buckled backpack and you have one hand trying to prevent blood from getting everywhere, it's a bit difficult. I hate nose bleeds.

The worst part about it is that I get nose bleeds semi-often. Not every day, but at least once a month. And that's probably not healthy, I know, but my nose gets dry and I don't take in enough iron. Whatever, don't worry. But a nose bleed is just so alarming and tiring for me. I'm not a blood person. I don't faint at the sight of blood, especially my own, but it's something that gets me worked up and gets my heart racing. Not a fun night.

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