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Favouritism. Usually I don't mind favouritism, but when it affects people's grades, that's when I care. I take Spanish. I've always loved languages and I want to be fluent in as many as I can. This year, my teacher favourites certain kids in my class. These are the kids that she had at her previous level. She used to teach a younger grade, but moved up to our level. Those kids get 100 and praise all the time while the rest of us get Bs and no attention. I've gotten a few As on tests, but in her eyes, I will never be as good as these other kids. It's just so frustrating. She also does these games that the same kid always wins. It's based on time and every time someone ties with this kid or gets in before hand, she'll find something wrong with their work and not this kids. Once, our team was beating his by a point and the teacher did one more question that he got a point for so we tied. He can't loose because she won't let him. It's so annoying.
The same kid is apparently the technology genius. Now, I'm not the best with technology, but I know that if you can't get a USB to fit in the port, you may need to flip it the other way.
It took her 3 months to learn my name and I have her class everyday. I get that she has one hundred students, but she already knows half of them because she's had them. She's just so frustrating.

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