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"Shawn you did absolutely amazing!!"- "Yes this performance was soo good today, bro!"- "You killed it Mendes!"  ..- "Thank u guys, haha!!" Niall and some other guys came up to me after the show ended. Skylar texted me immediately after my speech and she said that she never expected me saying this and she loves me..and so on. I wrote that I love her 2 and I'll see her soon. But now it's time for the aftershow party. I'll try to have some fun and stop thinking about of course Skylar but even more Hailey. The last time I saw her was 2hours ago when I was on stage and she gave me my award. It's a bit awkward to see her after all what happened the last time..and now all cameras are off so nobody would notice if.."Shawn hello?? Where are your thoughts?? Yes or no?"- "Wait..huh? What" I said confused and Niall looked at me with a serious look. "I just asked you like the 10th time if you want to come with me to the bar"- "Oh sorry man. But honestly I don't know because of"- "Shut up Shawn! You can't be the nice little boy the whole evening. C'mon!! Do you rather sit here in this edge with nobody around u or come with me and have some fun and good music to dance. I heard they even have karaoke!!" What should I do?? Ok I think he's right..I decided to have some fun and so Niall and I went to the bar and ordered 2 Whiskeys.

Still no sign of Hailey. Maybe she was somewhere else or she is making out with somebody in a hotel room but I don't care about her. "Another shot?" Niall asked me laughing. "I think it's enough..I don't wanna drink so much because I have to drive back with my car and"- "Shawn!! What's going on with you?? Since when are you" - "So what??" I wanted to know. But Niall was quite now. He just said something like "I'll go to the toilet" I think. Oh what's that?? I know this song..'I wanna follow where she goes..I think about it and she knows it' That's me!! Now everybody was shouting the lyrics. Then suddenly somebody grabbed my arm. Oh please god no!! "Heeey Shawn! You missed me?? Well, I did. I searched everywhere for ya but now I found u , haha. You wanna drink something?"- "Hailey! Hi..yes..I mean no I already drunk to much!" - "Oh come on!! Just one little shot!" She begged. I said yes hoping she would go away after this one. But I was wrong..of course. My head hurt and the music was louder than before. I couldn't even hear my voice. Suddenly someone kissed me and all I could see was a blurred face. Then everything was black.

-Hey guys..this is a short one but I hope u like my story. I don't wanna make Hailey to a bad person but this is just for my story..idk her in real life but yeah. Love u guys..xo

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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