On the way

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"See ya in two days babe..and remember I love you"- "Good luck Shawn!! You will definitely rock this show tonight!! Love u too" . Shawn kissed me one last time before he turned around and left me. The award show will be live on tv so I'll watch it later. It'll begin in less than 5 hours. My plans for tonight are just relaxing and eating chips and pizza. Sounds good, doesn't it??

Shawns Pov: 

I just left Skylars house and now I'll drive to the award show. I'm a bit late but I don't care. I thought I rather spent some time with my gf than being extra early on the red carpet. But I'm doing this all for my fans. They are just incredible and soo important for me. I can't describe them. And I'd love to go on tour soon but what is with Skylar??? I can't leave her alone such a long time. Lost in thought I turned into the wrong street. Damn!! I am lost. I opened the car window "Excuse me, could u tell me the way to..Niall !"-"Oh Shawn. What are u doing here man? Are u stalking me?" Niall looked at me confused. Then he laughed. I love our friendship!! My fans sometimes call is bromance,haha. "Buddy, do u know the way to the award show..I'm completely lost!"-"Sure..I'm on the way too. We are both nominated in the same category, did u forget it?" he said. "No of course not. Do u want to get in my car?? There's space for two persons." I said friendly.- "I'd love to but you just have to turn left at the next corner then u'll see the big building. So it's not necessary." Niall answered. He might be right but I need to talk to him. "Please" I begged "It's important. I think there's no one with whom I could talk about it. Only u. I trust ya" - "Oh boy sounds very important..then I couldn't say no. " So he got into the car. I started to tell him the whole story with Skylar and then I paused. Should I tell him about Hailey?? I mean I know that he wouldn't tell it anybody but I don't know. I feel a bit uncomfortable about this.  "Shawn?? Did u pay attention? I said you should search for a parking space which is reserved. Where are ur thoughts?? I think it's great that u have a girlfriend now. But that isn't everything?? Am I right?? " He knows me too good!! "Eerm..well actually ..ok I'm gonna tell u." So I told him about Haileys visit and that I think she still likes me but I have no feelings for her. "Have u told Skylar the same. I mean that u think that she still have feelings for ya??" He asked. "Dude, isn't it obviously?? I mean Skylar saw us. She saw that Hailey kissed me. And Hailey really enjoyed her fury. I think she wants to be with me so that Skylar is jealous but I promised her that I'll stay away from Hailey." I explained to him. "Wow..yeah but how? She is coincidentally the host of the show tonight. And remember the after show party!!" - "Fuck! The after show party?! Are u serious??" I cursed. I totally forgot that there will be one. I'm such an idiot!! Niall looked at me. "You should know the consequences of this. Stay away from Hailey..otherwise something will happen and we both know what. Do u have condoms??" - "What !!!! Are u kidding me?" - "Hahaaha sorry. I could stay by your side at the party I mean. If u want to" It's amazing how this man could switch from super funny to completely serious. I'm so happy that he's one of my best friends!! "That would be great..thanks dude!! But shouldn't we go in ?? It's already 5pm." I said. "Yes let's go! " We got out of the car and went straight into the direction of the building.

Three are one too many...(part 2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن