Different levels

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Usually when Sascha is around, I am about to embarrass myself. Every damn time I find a way to humiliate myself in front of him. Our parents are really close but Sascha and I never been because he was always busy with tennis and I was in my own world.

Every year during spring break my mom organizes dinner for close friend and family and of course that Zverevs are invited too. I tried to find a good excuse for not being at the dinner but I failed miserably.

I was getting ready in my room as I was hoping that maybe Sascha won't show up since he is busy with his tennis career which is blooming.
I heard voices downstairs so I made my way down just to see Zverevs but the thing was that there were only Alexander Senior and Irene. I greeted them and wished a warm welcome as they proceeded in dinning room. I stayed in hall and did a little happy dance since I won't be around Sascha.

Little did I know was that Sascha was standing right behind me and that he came in last because he was parking their car. Awkwardly he smiled at me and I wished that Earth could swallow me. Every. damn. time. he.  is.  there. when.  is. not.  supposed. to. be.

I said shyly hi to him and lead him to the dinning room. There he greeted my parents and my mom acted as if he is hers son that she hasn't saw for hundred years. I headed towards my usual sitting place but it was taken by Sascha's mom.

"Darling, you and Sascha will be sitting here." My mom said as she showed us our places. Yeah of course that we are sitting next to each other. I just wonder with what next I'll embarrass myself, probably the food will fall out of my mouth.

We all started to eat and as soon as I finished I moved my plate and decided to go to my room which didn't happen as I planned.
"Y/n, you can't leave Sascha all by himself. He is your guest too." My mom said which made me roll my eyes and as annoyed as I was I motioned him to get up and follow me.

I was going towards my room with Sascha being completely silent behind. When we walked  inside, I sat on my chair and took my phone to check. Yes, I know it is not very social of me to do that but you got to understand me. Sascha on the other hand, sat on my bed looking over my room. The silent moment was not long enough because quickly Sascha started to talk.

"So, this is your room?" Sascha asked and by the look on his face, I can tell that he regret asking that question. 

"Yeah, Sherlock, this is my room" I answered in isn't-it-obvious voice.

"Well, I am sorry. I am just trying to make conversation here. Unlike you." He stated.

"Excuse me? Unlike me?" I asked leaving my phone on a table.

"You are the one who is on the phone and it is not something that you do when you have guests around."

"I am not gonna be your entertainer. If you don't like it, you can go with them downstairs." I said rudely.

"No one is asking you to be my entertainer. I am just asking you to talk with me but obviously you are on a different level." Sascha said shaking his head.

"What is wrong with you? You keep on insulting me. Obviously you  are the one who is on a different level since you act like you can judge people as much as you love." I said clearly pissed off.

"I am just saying things that I see." He said nervously running his hand through his hair.

"Could you please leave the room?" I said not even looking at him.

"I'm sorry?" Sascha asked as if he didn't hear what I have said.

"I asked you to leave my room." I repeated.

With that Sascha got up and while mumbling something, exited my room and closed the door.

Part 2 coming?

Hii guys,

I am back.

If you have any request please tell me :)

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