Start of Flashback!!!:

"Josiah, Raven come on." I smile and nod hopping into the black SUV. My dad waves at us with a huge smile then walks back inside.

"Hey no fair I called shotgun!" Josiah exclaims but I just giggle.

"Oh Josiah let your sister sit shotgun." My mother says with a small laugh.

"Fine." Josiah says then climbs into the back.

"Do you guys have your weapons?" My mom asks.

"Yes." Josiah and I reply.

"Good now remember you two are still too young to fight the demons on your own. If you see one call me, or shoot him immobile but do not try to fight him." My mother says

"Mom I'm 14!" Josiah exclaims

"I know but I still worry about you two getting hurt." She replies

"Yes mam'." Josiah says. My mother nods then puts the car into drive and we speed off. We reach a cliff with a waterfall flowing down from it and my mom parks the car hidden in the trees.

"Ok now remember don't act unless you are sure you can defeat them. And be sure to call me! Josiah that's aimed at you Mr. Independent." My mother says and Josiah mumbles.

"I love you two." She says and I give her a big hug then climb out of the car.

"Ok Raven go to the right, Josiah go to the left, and I will stay around here." My mom says

"Ok." I reply then I run off towards the right side of the woods.

I know what you're thinking why on earth is a twelve year old off in a dark forest alone hunting demons? Answer is simple, it's in my blood. My mother is a demon hunter and my father was a demon hunter before he joined the navy just last year. I know how to fight from what mommy taught me and I'm a ton more capable and a lot stronger then most twelve year olds out there. Not that many humans exist anymore. They've either died, been turned, or ran away. Demons have started to take over the world, that's why people like mommy exist, to get rid of them. That's also why my dad's in the navy to mark action of any source inhuman and to fight for what's left of our home. I couldn't be more proud to call them my parents.

My brother Josiah started training with my dad at age six so he is a lot more capable and stronger then me. He's fast too and super smart. He's fought with my dad and mom several times but still my mother worries about his safety and I can't blame her. He is her only son. Anyways me and Josiah are close we are best friends and have always been there for one another. When I started training to become a demon hunter at age eight he always helped me and made me stronger. And I can't be more thankful for him. I can't.

I hear a snap and I spin around yanking out my sword. I look around but see nothing strange. Must've been an animal. I hear a scream from back behind me and I spin around and run. I see my mother jump over a black figure with razor sharp claws ready to slice through anything. She kicks him hard in the face and I scream as something grabs my ankle and yanks me down. I twist and kick at the hand around my ankle then yank my sword up and cut through the bone. The hand releases me and drops to the ground blood squirting from it. I jump up and scream as another hand grabs me this time claws dig into my ankle.

"Raven!" I hear my brother yell and he rushes over to me as I try to break free from the claw. Laughter sounds and I scream as a figure with bright red eyes crawls towards me his one hand cut off and his other hand with the claws dug into my ankle.

RavenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora