Letter 2

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Dear K,

I remember those days in school when we were separated in different groups. I know we both had friends other than each other. But I can't help it. I still feel like I'm missing the half of me when you are not around.

I couldn't show all of me to anyone but you. You were the one who never laughed at me no matter how ridiculous I was. Cool kids are always cruel and they mocked everyone for not being exactly like them. I knew I had been picked for a few times.

I remember that you always made me feel better about myself when I was crying at home. I couldn't let them see me cry but when we were finally at my place I couldn't hold it.

Do you remember when one day you protected me because R (I don't remember his name) was saying for weeks that I was fat and annoying though he was fatter than me? You, the skinny quiet kid in the class kicked him. Kicked him on the nuts and I couldn't stop staring at his surprised face though I was still too scared to laugh.

You got detention and I went with you to sit there after school. Eventually you were protecting me. It wouldn't be fair to get punished without me. We couldn't talk because of the teacher guarding eyes pierced holes to every student in the room. It was nice to know we had each other's back.

I couldn't hit anyone who was talking shit about you behind your back but I always spoke up for you. After this little kicking incident, the kids were avoiding both of us but I heard them still saying mean things about us.

I was sad I knew we couldn't make other friends from now on, but I was more than fine only with your company.

I knew if I had you I can manage school alive.

Oh, I might have never told you this but I do now. That day, when you protected me from R right after you kicked him you looked back at me. I looked in your eyes because I was shocked too and I remember I gasped because your eyes weren't grey.

They seemed like they got a much blueish shade and a vivid spark lightened up inside them.

I think you didn't know that I noticed those changes in you. Or maybe something changed inside me? I still don't know but I keep thinking about that day and I just wanted you to know this.

Love, M

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