Chapter 15

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A new chapter as promised! It's a little short, but it was kinda tricky so bear with it a little. Let me know in the comments of you like it!

I was standing in the hallway when Ethan came striding back, looking more than a little pissed. I reached my arms out to him, hoping to stop him for a minute instead he gently took hold of them and kept on walking. "Ethan? Baby, what happened?" I asked, worried by his unusual demeanor that the two boys had gotten into a fight.

Ethan shook his head and his expression stayed the same, but his eyes softened slightly as he looked at me. "Nothing that you need to worry about, darling. Let's get home." He answered quickly, but refused to look me in the eye. I knew better than to push him about it, instead nodding and slipping my hand into his. He held it tightly, and I immediately began rubbing my thumb on the palm of his hand, calming him down with the simple touch that had come to mean 'I love you' between us.

By this time we had reached the sidewalk and Ethan stopped, turning towards me and kissed me deeply, cupping the side of my face with his hand. "I love you so much." He murmured against my lips after we had parted, pressing his forehead to mine as he closed his eyes.

I smiled as my free hand moved down to entertwine with his. "I love you too." I replied with another small kiss before pulling away and leading him towards the train platform, my hand still in his.

We sat on the train, riding in comfortable silence, Ethan's arm around my waist as I leaned into his side. I played with the hem of his shirt, occasionally resting my hand on the top of his thigh.

"I had a good time tonight." I said quietly, glancing up at him as he met my eyes, looking down at me.

He smiled slightly and kissed my forehead, closing his eyes as he inhaled the scent of my perfume.
"Good. So did I." He murmured before pulling away with another smile. It wasn't a complete lie; he had surprisingly enjoyed himself during the majority of the night, it was just the end that had been problematic.

Eventually the train came to a stop at our station; we stepped off and began walking home, hand in hand. Occasionally we would talk or I would crack a cheesy joke, smiling when they made Ethan laugh.

By the time we had made it home, Ethan was back to his normal, sweet self. We immediately changed into our pajamas and settled onto the couch, with me once again cuddling into his side. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep against Ethan's strong shoulder, my head fitting just right underneath his chin. Ethan smiled as he looked down on me, carefully picking me up in his arms as he carried me to our room, setting me down on the bed before climbing in next to me.

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