I opened the door and walked to my bed. I would have shut it like I usually do with guests here but I wouldn't know if buddy needed to leave. I laid down and started scrolling through Instagram. I noticed nothing interesting was happening. Like nothing.

I heard a knock on the door frame and a quiet "Gerard". I looked up to see Frank. "What's up" I said not even moving. I just wanted to lay here and not move. "Everyone took the rooms before I even got to pick so I got the ones with the dirty sheets. Where is your washer machine? I can put it in there for you." He asked.

"You really don't have to do that. You're a guest. I'm gonna do that. Don't worry about it. Just lay in my bed until I come back." I said as I stood up. "Are you sure you looked really comfy?" He asked. I nodded as I walked past him. "Go Frank. Go lay down and rest" I said shoving him a bit. He laughed and sat on my bed, petting Buddy.

I smiled and walked to the room next door and grabbed the sheets before walking downstairs. I walked to the end of the hall and into the dogs room. Yep, I had so many rooms in the house i just started giving them away. It wasn't really a dog room. It just had his toys, food, dog bed, leash, back up collar, and a few other things.

Now that I think about it, it actually is kind of his room. The only thing that would kind of stop it from being a normal room is the expensive ass washer and dryer. I had no idea why they were so expensive. I didn't but, they came with the house. There is no way in hell I would spend that much on a washer and dryer. How much, you may be asking. One thousand dollars each.

I didn't even see anything special except for the fact they were extra bulky. I wouldn't pay for a washer or dryer just for them to take up space. I put the sheets in the washer and started it up. I walked back up to my room to see the cutest thing ever.

Frank was laying down on my bed with Buddy's head resting on his stomach. I awwed at the sight causing Frank to look away from his phone. He chuckled and looked back at his phone. I walked in to grab my phone before starting to walk away. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I am going to go downstairs and lay on the couch." I answered. I didn't want to disturb them. Frank just looked really tired and worn out and Buddy looked adorable and was probably asleep.

"There is room for you on the bed. Besides, this is your bed." He chuckled. I walked over and sat at the edge of the bed. "No silly. Next to me. You have like the biggest fucking bed ever." He chuckled. I walked around to the other side of the bed and slowly got in. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me with a smile on his face.

I chuckled and pulled out my phone, scrolling through Instagram. "Look" Frank said. I looked over at him and he had his phone above us. He had the camera pointing towards us meaning he wanted to take a selfie. "Do we have to?" I asked. He nodded. I huffed and smiled at the camera.

He put the camera on timer mode for five seconds and Put his nose to my cheek. He puckered up his lips so they were almost touching my cheek and his forehead was against the side of my head. Once the picture was taken he moved his forehead but kept his head against mine. I smiled to myself. I restarted my Instagram home page and the first thing I saw was the picture Frank just took.

I turned my head slightly so we didn't hurt eachother, and asked "Why did you post it"

"I don't know I guess I really liked the way we looked. Plus how else is everyone gonna know I spent my week with the most beautiful man alive?" He shrugged. I blushed and turned back to my phone. I liked the photo and kept scrolling. Just when I was about to stop scrolling I saw that Bert had posted something. I looked at the picture and he was standing with his friends in front of a log cabin. The caption said 'hanging with the buds. Wish you could be here @GerardWay'

"He can lie so easily through a screen" I mumbled to myself. Frank looked at me and frowned. "What do you mean. I didn't lie." He said in a confused slash sad voice. "Not you. Bert. He went out of town for three weeks with a bunch of friends. He just posted this picture with a caption that totally isn't true." I said showing him the phone.

He lifted his head off of mine and squinted his eyes trying to read it. "He just wishes you were there. Nothing wrong with that." Frank said confused. "Yeah. There wouldn't be anything wrong, if it wasn't for the fact it's not true. He is probably fucking his best friend again for all I know." I said sighing.

Frank's eyes went wide. "I'm sorry did you say fucking his best friend again?" He asked. I nodded. "He asked me to drop something off at his house one time and I walked in on them fucking.  It wasnt the most pleasant thing to see. You know walking in on your boyfriend fucking someone else." I sighed.

He shook his head. "You know what Gerard. Fuck him. You don't deserve him, you deserve so much better. So this week, I am going to spoil the hell out of you and you are gonna post it on your account. Got it?" He said really determined.

I nodded. "Thank you. Let's start now. Get your shoes on we are going somewhere." He demanded. "Where are we going?" I asked as I stood from the bed. "The tattoo parlor. Think of your next tattoo and fast because there is one right down the street from here." He said. I thought about it. Did I really want another tattoo?

"Frank. Why a tattoo? Why take me to get a tattoo?" I asked. "You can call me Frankie if you want and I chose the tattoo place because that's the first thing that I noticed about you was the tattoos that relate to me and my band." He said with a smile.

He got off the bed and started lacing up his converse. "Frank, can you get my shoes for me? They are over on that side." I asked. He nodded. He looked around for a few seconds before leaning down and handing me my shoes.

"Thanks" I said. I never lace my shoes when I really want to leave. I just shove them on my feet and get everyone's ass out the door. "Ready" Frank asked. I nodded.

"Come on Buddy. Let's go. Wanna go outside." I asked. He jumped up and off the bed. Frank laughed at Buddy. "I will be downstairs on the couch. I'm gonna take him out back." I said as I walked out the door. I heard him yell back okay as I walked away.

I walked past everyone on the balcony area. They were playing a board game named clue. They were all giving eachother weird looks. "Guys, Frank is taking me to get a new tattoo so we will be back okay?" I said as I walked past them with Buddy. "Alright have fun guys" the manager called.

I walked Buddy out back and closed the door. "I'm ready" I called as I walked into the kitchen. He was sitting on the counter swinging his legs. "Can I ride on your back?" Frank asked. "Sure why not" I laughed. I backed up against the counter and he slid off of it and onto my back. I walked out the front door and yelled bye to everyone before closing it.

"We are walking by the way" Frank said against my head. "So you want me to carry you all the way to the place and back" I asked him. "Well I want you to carry me there and then maybe you can carry me back" he said. I could feel him smirk against my head. "Whatever you want Frankie." I laughed.

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