Chapter 3

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        So next let me tell you about how Logan stole my mom from me. I am now 12years old. The update on Logan is, it's been about 3 years passed, and they're still dating. Never got married or engaged which was still pretty shady or maybe they might be waiting. And also luckily they never had any kids. 

    So he was about to move into my house. I absolutely begged my mom to please have him not move in because just like I told you he looked super shady. And you know when you have a very bad feeling about someone when you first see them and later you find out he/she did something that made think, I'm not really surprised. Again that is Logan. When he moved, my mom sat down and talked to me alone and said that she was sorry that I didn't approve of their relationship, but she still really liked him so I had to put up with him.

          We actually never really talked to each other. The only time we talked for those 3 years, was when we were forced to talk to each other like at restaurants or when basically my mom was around. On Friday they were having a date night. I couldn't come, of course, so my mom reassured me that she'll be back by 11:00 pm and the neighbors will check on me sometimes so that I'll make sure that I'm safe. So they left at 9:00 pm. 

              I'm going to my room and do my homework. My neighbors knock on the doors and check on me. And I'm fine. Time has passed and it's 10:00 pm. my neighbors check on me again. I still do my homework because of my teacher. (Thanks a lot.) After they check I know they might not check again because my mom told me they will check  2 times then at 11:00 when they're supposed to be there. So I decided to go to sleep because even though this is one of the only chances I could sleep past my bedtime, (or so I thought) I was just so tired from all that homework so I sleep.

      I usually go and find my mom making breakfast when I get up. But something was strange. I usually smell the air of freshly cooked bacon. The thing is I don't, I don't smell any breakfast. I go downstairs to the kitchen. I don't see anything. I go to her room. Nothing I go everywhere in the house,I don't see her anywhere at all. Calm down Stella she may be outside or even at work. So outside in the backyard and around the area of the house, my mom is nowhere to be found. I almost panicked, but I knew I could just simply call my mom and ask where she was.  I honestly don't know why I didn't think of that before. Anyways I knew my mom would answer because she always answers me. So I call her. No answer. Call her again, still, no answer now I'm worried. So what do I do, I call the police.

          "Hello, police my mom is missing"

       From then on the police came to my house and investigated. From then on they investigated for days, I meanwhile stayed at my neighbors because I had no one to supervise me. Then the police said,

"Hey so here is the thing, we can't find your mom so we need you to tell us more about what she looks like who she was with and where you think she might be."

"Ok, I don't know why we didn't start with that but ok. Umm, she has dark brown hair, light skinned, black eyes. Had on a velvet blue dress when she went to go on a date night with a guy."

"What's the guy's name?"

" His name is Logan Michaels."

"Ok, we have all the information that we need."

         They then go out of my neighbor's house. I don't know what is going to happen, but all I know is, I'm worried. I sleep, in reality, I can't sleep at all. I'm so stressed.  It's the next morning and I only got like 3 hours of sleep. The police come early in the morning. I wonder why so I go up to them and ask what they found.

"Hey, so what did you find out?"

" So, let me cut to the chase, there is something about Logan Michaels you don't know about."


 Thank you for reading my story, if you don't want to miss out on what we don't know about Logan, where Stella's mom is, or this whole story, follow me and write in the comments what you might want to see. Thank you!

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