Ch. 10

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Peter didn't wake up for quite a while. Shuri said the pain was enough to keep him unconscious while she worked which wasn't exactly reassuring, but at least he wouldn't feel it if he was out. However, he remained out the entire ride back to the compound and I moved him into the med bay to be put on pain killers for when he did wake up. Of course, the rest of the team had to disappear almost as soon as we got back because we never knew when Ross would return, but T'Challa had offered them all a safe place in Wakanda and they had accepted. He gave me a key to the dome so that I could get through to visit whenever I wanted. Steve had made clear if he had known Peter was Spider-man when we were in Berlin, he never would have fought him. I knew that already, but accepted it anyway because I knew he would forever feel bad about beating up my kid, especially after taking a liking to him.

"Don't worry about it," I said, waving him off. "We'll come visit as soon as the kid's healed. Probably won't let you live in peace ever again." Steve chuckled and nodded. He called for Wanda to load up as Nakia and T'Challa pulled Shuri towards the Wakandan jet.

"Maybe we should take him back with us," Shuri told T'Challa. He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes. "Just to make sure everything is alright." Nakia just tugged on her arm and Shuri sighed.

"Your boyfriend will come to visit once he is better," T'Challa teased. Shuri glared at him but he just smiled, knowing full well the two were just friends.  However, it wasn't often T'Challa could tease his little sister about boys and he was going to take every chance he saw. "You can even make sure his shoulder isn't too scarred, but make sure I'm not around."

"Stop it," Shuri told him, following Nakia onto the jet.

Wanda and Vision were nowhere to be seen, but I was kind of used to that at this point. It was almost more surprising to see Vision around than it was for him to disappear. However, now that Wanda would be staying in Wakanda with the team, I figured I would only see Vision when Peter and I went to visit. He would want to be with Wanda to make sure she was safe whether or not she was in a secure foreign country protected by some super dome.

"Where's Wanda?" Clint asked, peering out of the jet. Steve glanced around then shrugged.

"Vision will bring her later," T'Challa answered. Clint frowned, obviously not liking the idea of Vision and Wanda alone. "He knows how to get in and out." Clint mumbled to himself as he walked back onto the jet. Now it was only T'Challa, Steve, and me standing on the launch pad, delaying the moment when we would all part.

"I'll see if I can convince ol' Teddy to reinstate you," I told Steve. He just smiled and shook his head.

"Maybe it's time we retired," Steve replied, looking over the compound again. He did that a lot. "I think I might just stay in Wakanda; settle down and live a peaceful life." I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. "You should too, Tony. It would be good for you. You have Peter now, maybe it's time you turned to caring for him instead of saving the world."

"We'll see," I said, tucking the idea away in my head. It definitely sounded nice, but I doubted I could ever retire. Whether or not I was Iron Man, I still had a company that needed me to sign papers and what not.

I sighed, knowing it was time for them to leave and shook his hand saying, "Stay safe, Cap."

"You too, Tony," he replied. He turned with T'Challa and they walked onto the jet. I waited on the launch pad until well after they were gone, looking up after them. FRIDAY alerted me that Peter was waking up, though, so I quickly turned and headed to the med bay.

Sure enough, Peter was groaning and his eyes fluttered open as I walked into his medical room. His shoulder was wrapped tightly in gauze and bandage, leaving no part of his charred shoulder exposed. When he saw me, he smiled weakly. I smiled back and took a seat in the chair beside his bed.

"Did they leave already?" he asked. I nodded grimly, knowing he probably wanted to say goodbye. "Oh," he said, looking up at the ceiling. "That's okay. We'll see them again, right?" He turned back to look at me when he asked and I nodded.

"Of course," I promised. "Wouldn't want them to have a peaceful retirement, would we?" Peter grinned and shook his head, then stopped.

"They're retiring?" He was obviously surprised. I nodded, confirming it and he laid on his bed in shock. "Are you retiring? From being Iron Man, I mean." I chuckled and took his hand in mine. Peter didn't even glance down when I did.

"Maybe," I told him. "Stark Industries still needs me, but I think right now you need me more."

"Really? You're not gonna be an Avenger anymore?" Peter exclaimed, trying to sit up. He grimaced in pain and laid back down.

"I'm thinking it's time we start training the new crew instead," I told him. "That includes you, kid." Peter's grin didn't leave his face for a long time. He just laid on his bed with a happy grin on his face as we sat in silence.

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