Cassidy Marie

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"BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEP!" I groan and roll over and hit the alarm clock. "Cassy time for school!" My mom called from the kitchen. I groan louder, signaling that I was regretfully awake.

I got up and did my morning routine and then headed to the kitchen, where my mom and stepdad were eating breakfast. "Good morning sunshine." My mom says as she kisses my forehead. I yawn and sit next to my stepdad, Paul.

"How did you sleep?" He asks as he takes a sip of his coffee. "Terrible, I hate being an insomniac, out of all the things in this world I have to be cursed with the ability to not sleep." I say yawning. My mother laughs, of course it was ment as a joke, but sometimes I wish it wasn't. Not only am I an insomniac, I experince terrible dreams when I sleep, and yet I still mannage to be happy and chipper.

I reach for the cup of coffee in front of me and drink it. "Cassie have you been experiencing any, odd things lately?" My mom asks, casuing Paul to look at me. I shake my head as I eat my breakfast. Truthfully I was, I'm  dyslexic and had ADHD, but I didn't possess any other ways of being a demigod.

I walked around the school parking lot. I hated it here, the people were always very rude, no one seemed to give a damn who you were. You were either considered a piece of trash or royalty.

"Cassy wait up!" A voice calls, I look behind me to see my best friend Ian. He happened to be a demigod and the son of Apollo. Ironically he was gay, which was funny considering him telling me stories about his brother.

We walked side my side for a bit, talking about stupid things. Mostly boys we thought were cute. "So how's things at camp?" I ask as we sit on a bench in the parking lot. "Oh amazing!" He says a little to excited. I laugh at him and smile.

"Hey watch it!" A voice yells from a car. Me and Ian both turn in the direction of the yelling. "Cassy no, you know you can't do anything." Ian says, trying his best to reason with me. Of course I didn't listen and I walk over to the yelling, with Ian behind me yelling at me to stop.

"What's your deal man?!" One guy says, clearly covering his eye from where he must have been hit. The guy just laughs, seemingly amuses about the situation and how many people came to watch the little fight. Me and Ian a good close to the guy who got hit, with Ian being the son of Apolo he knows how to fix someone up after a fight.

"What's wrong Greg, you sad that everyone found out that the quarterback is gay huh?" The guy who hit Greg said. "Just knock it off Thomas." A voice calls out from behind me and Ian. "Oh, if it isn't the drop out. Stay out of this Aiden." Thomas says smirking.

"Cassy, we really need to get out of here." Ian says freaking out. I looked at the three guys and the crowd that was forming. Before I could say anything Thomas grabs Aiden by the collar of his shirt. "Oh shit, oh shit." Ian says grabbing my hand. "Ian we have to do something." I whisper. "No Cassie we do not have to do anything!" He yells a little over the commotion.

I yanked my hand out of his grip and walkes to where Greg was standing. "Hey that's enough." I say to the two boys who were now close to a full on brawl. "Stop!" I yelled loudly. Everyone turned and looked at me a little surpised, that's when all the sudden, a fire hydrant kinda exploded and drenched everyone, causing everyone to run in diffrent directions.

Well everyone besides me, Ian and the three boys. It was like time stood still, all that I could think was what the hell did I just do? I didn't have time to react when all the sudden Ian grabs my arm and drags me into the green house.

"Cassie calm down." Ian says trying to keep me calm as possible. "Calm down? You want me to calm down, I just made a fire hydrant explode!" I yell at him. He sighs and grabs the bridge of his nose. "There could be a logical reason for that." He says calmly. "Oh really? Like what?" I say frustrated, and as if on cue, the sprinklers burst. No the didn't turn on, they literally burst.

I look at him very unamused, causing him to sigh and shake his head. "Come on Cassie you haven't showed sighns of being a demigod so why now?" He asks as we walk out to his car, where he had a change of clothes for both of us. "Do you think I know? One minute Im a completely normal teen with insomnia, now Im a demigod with insomnia." I mumble out, I looked at my drenched shirt and pants, still confused on why I had gotten wet, I know Percy doesn't get wet unless he wants to, but why am I?

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts as I climb into Ians car and change clothes quickly before we head into school.

Ahhh, first pirode, greek mythology, ironically this was a class at school. I couldn't sit still, I was bouncing my foot on the bar of my chair while trying to pay attention, but the result only ended with Ian glaring at me. "Can you calm down?" He asks as he writes down what ever the teacher was saying, when though he's a demigod he wrote down what the teacher would say, probably to show his siblings.

"You know I wish I could, but as you know I have ADHD!" I say a little to loudly, causing the teacher to give me a glare, making me sink back down into my seat. "This makes no sense." I say as I pick up my water bottle and take a small sip of it. "You're telling me, I have detention after school." Thomas says as he sits beside me, now this maybe odd but Thomas was actually a nice guy, when he wasn't a bully that is, he actually stood up to bullies that had threatened me, which I was greatful for.

"Well maybe you shouldn't have tried to fight Greg, and maybe you shouldn't have been homophobic." Ian snears at him from his spot beside me. Thomas just sinks into his chair and looks ahead, that's when I make the connection. "Oh my! Are you atra!" I say but was cut off by Thomas's hand covering my mouth. "You shut up." He whispers before he pulls his hand away.

Ian looks just as confused as a little kid looking at a cat, Thomas just sighs and nods his as he whispers and confirms that he is in fact gay. I try my best to not squeal but yet still very confused as to why he wanted to beat up both Greg and Aiden.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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