My mom walks in, a blue cloth in her hand, and stands behind me, smacking the back of my head with it. I wince and hold onto my head.

"What the fu-", "Language, Pais.". Paige laughs even harder and my mom gives out a satisfied giggle. I scoff and crane my neck backwards to look at her.

"She's a teenager in the making, let her live a life.", I groan and Paige nudges me with her elbow. I look back at her and grin.

"Alright, Whatever you say.", my mom laughs and walks back into the kitchen. The air smells like tomato sauce and basil.

"Explain to me this fucking hell hole.". Paige grins and I smile. I bite my lip and look down at my nails.

"Well, we had lessons with these motherfuckers called teachers but they were kinda sucky, like even you were smarter.", I joke and she giggles.

"I bet.", she smirks and I grab the throw pillow from behind me and push it onto my stomach. I pull my legs up and hug them, the pillow acting as a wall between my thighs and torso.

"Also, I was failing history. My teacher was constantly saying that I was failing her class so one day I just said: 'You're failing to teach me.' And then they called mom and dad."

She bursts out into a hysterical fit of giggles and I watch her cheeks turn red. I pause and smile. I'm glad there's one person I can make happy.

"Ooh, I forgot something. Wait here.", I say and rush upstairs to my handbag. I pull out a brand new Naked 2 palette from Urban Decay and walk back downstairs, hiding it behind my back.

Paige looks up at me from her phone and raises her eyebrow. "What chy'a got?", she asks and I look in the corner of the room innocently.

"It may or may not the thing you've been wanting for a while now.", I smile as I look back at her. Her jaw drops.

"A puppy?", she squeals and jumps up from the couch. I roll my eyes and toss the palette towards her. She skillfully catches it and I smile.

"Bitch, I can't afford a dumb ass puppy.", I joke and she scoffs. "Mhm, not like you get 70$ a month from mom and dad.", she says sassily and I flip my hair.

"Ya know, it's not a lot.", I sass and we burst out laughing. The doorbell rings and Paige jumps up. "Is man candy coming tonight?", she winks at me and I blush, nodding.

"Then I better try this bitch out.", she smiles and rushes upstairs. My mom comes out and rolls her eyes at me grinning.

"That's the only reason why she reminds me of you and Piper." , she admits and I know she means our language and way of acting around each other; like complete doofuses.

I flinch at Pipers name. I have to admit it to her someday.

"Get the door and don't get rooted to the spot!", she snaps me out of my thoughts and I nod, my mind buzzing at its sudden awakening.

I rush to the door, typing in the pin code into the pad and entering the air lock room. The door opens and Grayson stands there

"Hey, princess.", he grins and walks in, kissing my cheek. I giggle nervously and blush. My dad follows him in. I blush even harder. He caught me and Gray being cute, just great.

"It's alright, my lips are sealed tight.", he whispers to me and I bite my lip, refraining my laugh to leave my lips. I let over to Grayson, his smile defining his face ever so sweetly.

I link hands with his and I realize how happy he actually makes me. If only he were Ethan. There you go again with the bullshit, Paisley.

We wait a minute in complete silence. "Contamination complete.", the robotic voice says and the door clicks open. I open it and reveal us to a smiling Paige.

Her smile fades quicker than you can say 'Strawberry Swirled Nut Comes' and my mother, who's standing behind her and massaging her shoulders, looks down at her biting her lip.

"This is-", I begin but Paige cuts me off. She stares at him and her lips purse as she clears her throat.

"I know him. That's Grayson Bailey Dolan.", she says as if she's memorized his name off by heart. I stare at her furrow my eyebrows. My mom looks up at me.

She gives me a look saying 'I don't know how she knows'. I bite my lip and look down at Paige.

"I haven't told anyone his name. Did Piper tell you?", I ask her slowly and she shakes her head forcefully.

"Paisley, he's my idol."


I'm back!

hello there lovelies, I want to thank everyone one who has read this a/n (and all of my other annoying ass a/n's) because you are a true mvp:)

who likes this chapter? 🙋🏼‍♀️my ugly ass does

story time!
so today my sister(she's 4) was 'teaching' me and she was pointing to a picture of a witch in her fairytale book and she exclaimed 'Bitch!' and my mind just went 🙃 and I was laughing so hard that it fucking hurt so bad and I still am laughing whilst writing this bahahahha my sister's a fucking legend

ANYWAYS who's ready for more drama and spice? we all love a spicy sister;))

20 comments + votes for the next chapter.

get ready for the trigger because y'all are gunna be off the roller coaster


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