The runaway

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Emily's POV
Laaaa laaa laa laa laa

I got my bag and walked with my best friend Hannah who's been by my side since day one. I trusted her with my life.

Last year was my worst year, I was in a horrible place. I had a severe depression I thought I should just die and put everyone out of there misery. But Hannah and all my other friends pulled me back I was so gratefull for what i had and there are people who love me.

I had just come from school only to find my parents in an argument. Me being me, I laughed.

"Shut up Emily you would do the world a favour if you were never born!" shouted my dad.
"God made a mistake" said my mum.

Those words made me feel unwanted and unloved. The depression that I thought faded were rushing back and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

I refused to ever feel unwanted or unloved because to be honest I don't deserve that. So I started to pack my bag without thinking about where I would end up. But I couldn't leave whithout calling Hannah.

(Me) Hannah I just want to let you know i won't be at school and you will never see me again.
(Hannah) what are you talking about?
(Me) My parents broke me and I can't be near them anymore I love you please forgot about me.
(Hannah) NO you can't leave me.
I hanged up with tears streaming down my face.

When I finished packing I gathered all the money that  I could find. I was relieved when I saw my 'parents' out of sight. "They must have finished there alcohol" I muttered as I shrugged my shoulders not wanting to waist time.

As I  leave the hell i used to call my home, I notice Hannah through the distance running to me.

She said her mum died and her dad is abusive. Tears where running down her face as I gave her a big hug. I was shocked to see a packed bag in her hand but not as shocked as an told me what happens to her at home.

So me and Hannah were staying at a hotel I gathered enough money to stay there for atleast a month. We went to get some some food from the shops. I heard a twig snap and I immediately turned around. "No ones there" said Hannah. I heard a twig snap again but ignored it.

????s POV

"Emily and Hannah i will get you very soon". I muttered i put a cloth in front of there noses "Mmmmmmm" they said, and then had a rest. I drove to my house were I will keep them and have a bit of fun.

(Yaay 1 chapter done)
Is Hannah

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