Shane: As for Rahzel, his business is our concern and he's not bothering you, Raij. We will take your ideas into consideration. But to prepare for his Championship match next week, Finn Balor will take on Scottie Ace tonight.

Raij: That's good, Shane-O. But if you don't do something about Rahzel, I hate for the Smackdown superstars to walk out on you two, gaining the attention a certain Chairman, a certain McMahon to fix the problem.

Tom: The WWE Champion just threaten to walk out and gain the attention of The Chairman of WWE, Mr. McMahon.

Saxton: This is just to provoke Rahzel to do something. I believe Rahzel isn't that crazy to do.

Graves: Oh, shut it, Saxton. Rahzel doesn't care about anyone but Raij. He even said it. Rahzel has an addiction and it's going to ruin him and everyone in The WWE.


Interviewer: How did you feel about Scottie trying to ruin you as a General Manager?

Lilith: It's crazy for my husband not only trying to ruin his own brother, but his wife. He wanted the job. But I had something planned for him.


Tye Dillinger was sitting down on the equipment box, thinking about his match against Rahzel and the words he heard from him after the bell.

Renee: Tye, what are you going to do after Rahzel called you a waste of time?

The Perfect 10 looked at Renee, thinking of an answer to her question. But he sighed as he stood up and left the area.


The Usos were in the ring with microphones, pacing in the ring.

Jimmy: Clash of Champions, Sanity couldn't get the job done.

Jay: Back to the insane asylum!

Jimmy: The Club couldn't get it done.

Jay: Club shut down!

Jimmy: Bludgeon Brothers hammered down

Jay: Like nails!

Jimmy: Looks like there's only team that can take down The New Day and their tag team record

Jay: The ones they haven't faced yet!

Jimmy: Next week, the penitentiary is open and there's only one team walking out with The Smackdown Live Tag Team Championship!

Jay: It's not paranoia! It's The Us-

Tom: Oh, no. Rahzel is here.

Graves: That means one of The Usos is his victim.

Rahzel enter the ring and grab the mic Jay was holding.

"This is sad. One of the best tag teams that ran rickshaw in 2017 is talking about what they're going to do next week. Well, that's next week. I'm here to kick one of your asses. So find out which one of you wants this work while I wait for a referee to come out." 

Jay wanted to fight The Big Bad Wolf. So did Jimmy. But only one of them can face him.

Rahzel vs Jay Uso

ater on

Jay Uso went on a barrage of punches and slaps on The Big Bad Wolf on the turnbuckle. While he was stunned, The Samoan ran to the other turnbuckle and ran back, hitting The Corner Splash.

Jay would hit The Corner Splash two more times till Zell slump down on the bottom turnbuckle.

Jay said "Us" before running to hit their Uncle, Umaga's hip attack to the corner. But it was interrupted when Rahzel clothesline him in the middle.

Tom: Rahzel almost taking Jay's head off.

Rahzel grabbed The Uso brother up and perform a Ripcord DDT, turning it into a Arm Trapped Crossface.

Jay crawled to the ropes, but The Big Bad Wolf roll each other back away from the ropes. The Uso tapped out.

Greg: Here's your winner, Rahzel.

Tom: Rahzel has beaten Jay Uso.

Saxton: Jay was close to winning the match, but Rahzel had answer for every move for him.

Graves: Zell is just unstoppable. The Big Bad Wolf is smart like a Alpha of the pack. Doesn't how many beatings he can take, he stays on top of his matches.

Rahzel picked up the mic while Jimmy checked on his brother.

"That was a good match, Jay. But if you look pathetic next week like you were tonight. You can kiss those tag team titles goodbye."

Zell dropped the mic, walking to the back as the spotlight shined on him. Jimmy mouthed off his complaint at The Big Bad Wolf.

Rahzel: My Revenge, Year 3 Part One (WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now