Chapter 12: The Texts

Start from the beginning

"Ok, babe but you need to also put a shirt on, you know just in case "he" is a "she" I said with a giggle as I rubbed my hands up his toned biceps.

"Aw is my girl a little jealous?" He said as he smirked at me.

"Nah, just don't want her looking at what's mine." I said with a wink.

"Alright, come on let's go put the rest of our clothes on." He reached out to hold my hand as we walked up stairs. I went to my dresser and found some leggings, he went into his closet and came out with a shirt on, I instantly regretted telling him to put one on, but this man can wear anything so he still looks sexy as fuck!

"Come on baby, the pizza will be here soon!" He says as he pulls me to him. He hugged me and kissed me on my cheek, I love when he's touchy, it's one of his best sides, not clingy at all just really affectionate. I smiled and looked him in the eyes as I kissed his soft lips, I love his lips, kissing him is one of my favorite things to do. We walked down stairs and sat at the island again, and both grabbed our drinks and took a sip. The doorbell rang, I followed Marshall to the front door. He opened it and it was a young guy standing there, Marshall gave me a little sideways grin, probably because he was right it was a guy. Marshall handed me the pizza while he paid the delivery guy and gave him a very generous tip, the guy said "thanks Em!" Marshall closed the door and grabbed the pizza from me.

"Wait you knew him?" I asked.

"I told you Dani I know a good pizza place, so yeah but in all honesty I didn't know who they were gonna send." He said with a smirk."

We walked into the kitchen, he grabbed us two plates, putting two slices on each, he handed me a plate. I took a bite.

"Mmm wow, this is really good!" I said while I chewed my bite.

"Yeah, it's mine and the girls favorite pizza place." He said as he took a bite too.

We just sat at the island and ate. We finished up, and I got up to rinse off our plates. Marshall closed the pizza box and put it in the fridge. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me, I noticed that this is what he does. I actually really like it, it makes me feel like even though we are doing regular things like cleaning up, or whatever that he is thinking about me. It makes my heart smile. I turn the sink off and he hands me a kitchen towel to dry my hands, I dry them off then set the towel on the counter and wrap my arms around him. He smells so good! I love his cologne.

"Marshall?" I say as I hold him.

"Yeah baby?"

"You know, we never talked about when I'm leaving." I felt him tense in my arms at my words.

"Fuck, I haven't really thought about that, to be honest I've just been caught up with you being here." He said as he squeezed me tighter.

"Yeah I know babe me too, that's why I asked."

"Well I guess it's something we need to discuss since you know, you live in LA." He said as he slowly pulled away from me. He grabbed his juice and took a drink.

"Dani, baby when do you want to go home?" He asked.

"Umm, I don't know, I love being here with you. Uh when were you thinking, you know when you asked me to come here? Did you have a time frame in mind? I asked as I sat down in front of him at the island.

"Well I was thinking a week, but..." He trailed off.

"But what babe?" I asked as I looked at him looking down.

"Dani that was before you know, you came up in here and made me feel some shit I haven't felt before, and well now we're together, shit I guess we should of talked about this when we made it official."

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