Chapter 12: The Texts

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~Dani's POV~

"Pizza sounds good." I say as I turn around to face Marshall.

"Ok baby, pizza it is. I'll be right back, I'm gonna go grab the menu and place our order, uh what kind of pizza do you like Dani?"

"Any kind is fine with me, except Canadian bacon and pineapple, I don't like that kind, also I only like white sauce." I say and hope I'm not being too difficult.
He smiles at me.

"Ok baby, how about pepperoni with white sauce, sound good?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes, sounds perfect!" I say happily.

Marshall walked out of the room to go down stairs to place our order. I pick up the clothes laying scattered on the floor yet again. I realize this is becoming a habit, but a very good one. I smile to myself as I replay everything that's happened today, I can't help but feel so happy, life works out so crazy sometimes, 6 months ago my world crashed and burned. I thought I would never be truly happy again. But then Marshall came along. We both have been hurt and we both are finding this to be hard, in different ways. We have our walls up but I know he is really trying, I can see it. I hope he knows I too am trying. I don't want to worry about what all can go wrong and lose sight of all that can go right. I would hate myself if I didn't put my all into this, so that's exactly what I'm going to do, well at least I will try.

I walked over to the bed and started to make it but when I shook the sheet out, my phone went flying off the bed. I finished making the bed and then went over to where my phone fell and picked it up, I see I have 3 new text messages.

9/9/17 6:24pm
From Mom:

Hi honey, I just wanted to check in with you, I know you are probably adjusting to the time difference and jet lag, but give me a call when you can. We're getting ready to go to bed, it's almost 9:30pm here. We love you!

Aw I need to call my parents tomorrow and catch them up on things, I also need to talk to Marshall and see when I'm going home. Shit why is Darren texting me again? Didn't he get the hint I don't want to talk to him when I didn't text him back? I don't even want to know what he has to say so I just put my phone on Marshall's nightstand. I decide to go find Marshall, I walk down stairs and find him in the kitchen, he's getting a drink out of the fridge, he turns around and looks at me with a really cute smile.

"The pizza will be here in about 40 minutes." He says as he pours himself some juice.

"Dani, you want something to drink?" He asked me.

"Sure, juice is fine."

He handed me the juice he just poured for himself, and grabbed a glass to get him some more.

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, Dani, I want you to feel comfortable here, if you want anything, help yourself, if you need something and I don't have it, tell me, I will get it for you, k." He said very genuinely.

"K." I replied as I took a sip of my juice.

He walked over to me and grabbed my waist and lifted me up on the counter of the island, my cheeks heated up as he moved in between my legs, he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my chest. He then looked up into my eyes and I leaned down to kiss him on his soft lips, I ran my hand through his short brown hair.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but baby we need to get you upstairs to put some pants on, the delivery guys gonna be here soon and I don't want to have to fuck him up for lookin' at my girl!" He said as he rubbed his hands up both sides of my thighs. His touch sent chills through my body.

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