Don't Leave Me...

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this story has swearing and gory stuff so if you don't like it ,you have been warned

3rd P's POV

When was born, she were born with two different colored eyes brown and blue which made her stand out from others. and she never cried that much when she was a baby ,and learned to talk and walk pretty fast she was so smart and so strong. her was to busy with his business trips and work, he wasn't home that often so summer's and dad fought a lot because of that , sometimes her mom comes out with a bloody nose . summer wasn't a girly girl neither is she a tomboy she was some where between the two.

one faithful day, when she was she saw something that scared her for ever...

Summer's mother died right in front of her , the only one that cared about her , the only one that kept her standing , the only one that understood her ... died. and she didn't do anything to save her


' " Summer go hid i think there is someone in the house," her mom said calmly so you don't panic. she ran hid into the nearest closet and hid under the clothes while there was a small hole that she cloud see through . she just sat there waiting .summer's mom on the phone trying to call dad that was at a business trip until the door opened and you could see a boy maybe about 15 years old wearing a white hoodie and holding knife her mom's face was of horror with her eyes widen .

"oh! did i wake you up i'm sorry.." the guy said , her mom was shook she couldn't talk or scream or do anything she was frozen just taking slow steps backwards the guy took the knife and put it under her chin "how about you go back to sleep?" the man sliced her throat open . you almost screamed when you saw that ,but she put her hand on her mouth.

"there is no truce of the Girl" a guy with a blue mask came in saying he was about the age of the hooded guy " well that's sad. we have no time the neighbors will notice us let's go!" said the man in the hoodie " but she is the important one said ******* " said the masked one " well i don't care , we have to go!" and they both ran and jumped out of the window .

after a while of making sure they left summer came out of her hiding place and just stared at her mom's dead, lifeless body "mom....mommy wake up the bad guys are gone, Mom! please wake up!! MOM PLEASE, DON'T LEAVE ME .MOM !! " summer screamed for here to wake up , but she didn't .you sat down next to her corpse stroking her hair.'

**end flashback*

Summer's POV

one of the neighbors called the police and they came and investigated the case. and i told him what i saw ,and after that they told me he was a wanted killer in the area ,but i didn't put all the blame on the killer it was on my dad..

he wasn't there to do something ...he was never there for anything. i hated him ,i hated him from the bottom of my heart, the look on his face when he knew about mom's death... fake, all i could read was fake , he was happy if anything...

after my mom's death i felt empty...emotionless like nothing matters anymore . in school everyone was scared of me , once i kid was mocking me ... let's say his nose was never the same . i was like a ticking bomb ready to explode . but i knew all the whispers were about me but i didn't care.

i got abused by my dad for the tiniest mistakes . he was just waiting for me to make a mistake so he could pull his ballet out. my back ,my arms ,my hands fill of scars and bruises .i started wearing long shirts even in hot days just to cover them. and my new step mom and her daughter that was older then me and( a stereotypical slut) ,which means dad was cheating on mom before i was even born .they were treating me like garbage . i was the one that cooks , cleans and she would tell my dad that she did all the work.

i started locking my self in my room just listening to music , crying or drawing just to get my mind of things . why does life treat me that way? did i do something wrong to deserve this? life is so unfair..

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