Start from the beginning

"I'm here to see Tony Stark," she let out, hoping her anxiousness wasn't too apparent.

"And you are...?"

"An old friend."

There was a short silence, a few seconds that felt like an eternity, before the crackling voice finally answered:

"Please stand by."

UNSURPRISINGLY TO THOSE who knew him well, Tony had mapped out the Avengers Facility so his personal lab spread across an entire level in the basement, just like his old one did. After the destruction of his mansion in Malibu, and his relocation in upstate New York, it was important for his working space to retain a sense of familiarity.

Tony was in that very lab when he received the call from the security central. He was putting the final touches on his latest suit, the Mark XLVII, when the sharp beeping of the communication line caught his attention.

"Mr. Stark, there is a woman at the door for you, a CIA Operative."

Tony wasn't paying much attention "What do they want Gareth? Is this about the breakout at the Raft again?"

"I don't know Mr. Stark... she said she was an old friend."

This was enough to make him perk up "An old friend?"

"Yes, Angela Dean. She insisted on seeing you personally."

Tony's gaze shifted away from the suit. He was now seriously intrigued "Angela Dean... Dean...?" he repeated, brows furrowed "Nah. Never heard that name before."

"I'll send the tape," the guard simply said.

Tony twirled the screwdriver in his hand as he skidded over to the nearest holographic screen... but the small tool slipped from his fingers and fell with a loud thud the second his eyes landed on the surveillance footage.

"Holy fucking shit!"

"Mr. Stark?" the security agent called out, slightly concerned "Everything okay?"

"Y-yeah everything's fine..." he mumbled frantically.

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Let her in Gareth. I'll be right there."

ANGIE TRIED TO DISTRACT her nerves by pacing across the entrance hall and looking around. In truth, this residential area seemed like a beautiful place to live — it was lit and spacious, everything she liked. But at a time like this, even she couldn't fool herself into taking an interest in interior decor.

The sound of footsteps on the pristine floor pulled her out of her thoughts. Her heart leaped in her chest as she turned around to face the newcomer.

And sure enough, there he was.

Tony stood a few meters away, frozen in his spot. He didn't dare to take another step as they took each other in. Seconds passed with the both of them standing there, almost struggling to comprehend that the other wasn't a fragment of memory from long ago... but that they were both here and they were very much real.

She thought he looked exactly as she remembered. Although perhaps she hadn't seen him in so long that whatever changes he'd gone through would probably go over her head. But as long as she could overlay him on the man from the depth of her memories, it was enough.

Ironically, Tony thought she looked like a completely different person. Of course it was her, the woman he had loved once... but she looked so much thinner, paler and haggard. She looked completely broken down, like the past four years had drained the luster that made her such an incredible woman... but maybe he was getting ahead of himself.

Angie felt her heart break for the lost time she'd never get back. Every cell in her body was dying to reach out to Tony, to let him know how much she missed him and that she hated herself for being gone so long.

Somehow, coming face to face with him felt even more surreal than the other night at the Raft. There was no iron suit to shield him this time; there was no mission, no ocean under her feet and no one else around but the two of them.


Ngl I'm pretty proud I managed to post this in time. Go me.

I had so much fun writing the flashback! So far you don't know much about Angie's past but the timeline will be much clearer in the next few chapters. I'm so excited for you guys to read it.

Alsooo, you get a proper Tongie reunion this time. It's still a bit sappy at the moment but don't be mistaken, shit's about to go DOWN.

Give me your opinions/suggestions/predictions 


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