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At that moment, she didn't understand.


uo Han Hai , stared at the tear-streaked face of her mother with a worried expression etched on her chubby face, her small hands slowly raised upwards to tug on her mother's sleeves. Seeing that Guo Han Hai had gotten no reaction from her, She furrowed her brows turning to the physician infront of them.

Her age was too young to understand the complicated medical world.

"What does infertile mean?" Of course, naturally since she didn't understand those words ushered out of her mouth, hearing those words, Guo Han Hai's mother burst into tears once more, with a panicked expression she looked at her mother wondering just what she had done to let it go wrong.

The physician didn't dare to smile, even if it was just a fake one, who knows if he would be executed by the imperial family infront of him, the imperial family could do anything, they can even kill him just by laughing at their misfortune, thay's just how much power thr imperial family had in this land. "It...It means that the princess can't have any siblings."

Guo Han Hai tilted her head looking back at her parents, her father, Guo Tan Wu, had a dark expression on his face. "Is not having a sibling that bad?"

At such a young age, naturally Guo Han Hai did not understand the struggles of the imperial family, or about the conflict for the throne, to her, everything was perfect, she lived in a big estate and everyone followed her every order. She could care less about the hierarchy and money, all she wanted was to maintain her happy life.

Guo Han Hai pursed her lips, tilting her head to the side as she looked up to her father, the emperor.

"Without a son, there will be no future emperor."

She blinked not seeing what the problem was, she has never met her uncles and aunties before, but everyone has them. That's what all the servants had told her. "But what about my uncles and aunties?"

"Princess, you have no uncles and aunties."

She was confused, Guo Han Hai stomped on the floor with a fierce expression on her face, mixed with that of disbelief. "My servants have uncles and aunties, how come I, a princess, does not have any? I want an uncle and aunty!"

Guo Tan Wu patted Guo Han Hai's head, a solemn expression on his face. "At this point in time, you can never have an uncle and aunty again, father is already old, and your mother is infertile, I also do not have any other consorts or concubines, having siblings is impossible for you."

"Why!?" At this point, Guo Han Hai was throwing a full blown tantrum. She could not understand the words her father had just uttered out, but everyone had an uncle and aunty, with their power and money why can't they just buy one!? If even a servant has one, then an uncle and aunty shouldn't be expensive!

"Forgive me your majesty for speaking out of turn, but do you regret?" The physician looked down.

"Regret what?"  Guo Tan Wu's thundering voice echoed through the walls.

"For--for having a daugh---" The physician could not even finish his sentence when Han Hai's mother, Guo Xaoi Zin slapped him, her eyes clearly showing the traces of her anger.

"Regret my Han-Er? Even if she is forsaken by all, I, this empress, will never regret!"

Guo Tan Wu glared at the physician with a piercing gaze. "Scram!"

Fearing for his life, the physician innediately bolted out the room.
After he left, Guo Tan Wu released a deep sigh burying his face with his rough, calloused hands. "What will we do now, Xin-Er?"

Guo Xaoi Xin picked the little Guo Han Hai up, embracing her daughter as if she would disappear at any moment, guilt flashed in her eyes for a split moment as she looked down at her small, petite daughter in her arms. "Mother is sorry." She whispered.

Guo Han Hai did not even have the slightest idea on why her mother was apologizing to her.

"I have an idea." Guo Xiao Xan's eyes were filled with guilt but this was the only way.

If Guo Han Hai knew what that idea would bring to her future, she would've wished to never have been part of the imperial family.

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