Hospitals and Abandoned Parks

Start from the beginning

"Is this Caleb's by any chance?" She asked, and held it up to me. I took it and looked at it.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "I got this for him, on his 19th birthday." I said. Suddenly remembering our times together, and became sad.

"So he must have been here." She whispered "CALEB!" She screamed.

"Caleb!!!" I repeated after her. "CALEB!" I shout again.

I walked around shouting his name again and again. "Ah!" I shouted. I trip over some rope. Spencer came over.

"Hanna are you okay??" She asked, helping me up.

"Yeah, I just trip over this rope." I said.


She took the rope, and pulled it. Nothing happened.

"Spencer what are you doing?" I asked.

"Why would a rope be randomly lying here?" She said. "This must be connected to something."

She pulled again, this time harder.

And the bushes pulled open! And it revealed someone tied up in rope against a tree, with his mouth tied shut.

"CALEB!" I screamed, and ran over to him.

"Spencer HELP!" I shouted while crying. We managed to get him untied. He looked lifeless.

"Caleb!!" I screamed, and hugged him tight, saying "Don't leave me. Please. Please Caleb." Crying on his shoulder, he had bruises, and cuts everywhere, and his wrists were bleeding just a little by the rope.

Spencer helped me carry him out of the park, and within 5 minutes, an ambulance was here, followed by Toby in his police car, and the girls, and Ezra.

I hugged them, crying.

"Shh.. Hanna it's going to be okay." Aria said.

"He's going to be okay." Emily said.

Spencer, Toby, Ezra, and Aria went to the hospital with Caleb, while Em, and Ali, brought me back to Spencer's apartment, to get cleaned up, then we drove over to the hospital.

I saw them all sitting down, and I went over to them.

"....Is he okay?" I asked.

"We were very lucky to have found him, if we found him any later, he might've died. He's just finished the surgery, and he's gonna be okay. But..." Toby said

"But what???" I almost screamed.

"He's in a coma, and the doctors aren't sure when he'll wake up. It could be days, or even years."

I started crying. The girls pulled me into a big hug.

"C-can I s-see h-him?" I asked.

"Yeah.. he's in room 118" Spence said.

I walked over, and saw Caleb, asleep on the hospital bed. I ran over and cried even more. I held his hand and started talking to him. Even though he might not be able to hear me, there was a bit of me that though he would.

"I'm so glad you're okay" I started.. "The doctors said they wouldn't know when you would wake up. I missed you. And I know that we haven't seen each other in a while, but I just wanted you to know that...I still love you."

"I love you too."

I looked up, "CALEB!" I said, and hugged him.

"You're awake." I said.

He laughed "I never stopped loving you Hanna."

I smiled, he smiled too. I started into his eyes, and him into mine. He leaned in closer to me and we kissed.
I hope you liked this chapter guys! Finally Haleb is reunited! Sorry it was a little late. I'll try to get my schedule back on track! I loved writing this chapter, it's probably one of my favs!

1021 Words

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