ix. The Girl Who Changed The Boy's Life (Pt. II)

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BY THE TIME EMBRY HAD ALMOST ARRIVEN TO THE ENCOUNTEER PLACE, it was when he listened to that thought. Despite the memory came from Jake, it was soon in every head of each member of the pack. Words and words filled his thoughts, stopping his walk, and then the images appeared, so clear and alive, that it was suddenly as if he had been the one who participated in the conversation that took place just a couple of minutes ago with Claire. The memory repeated over and over, no matter how much his friend tried to catch it and put it back into his own head. He knew everything now, and all the guys knew everything too. He felt not anger, but terrible ashamed and confused instead—and hell, why was his chest hurting in that way and he suddenly felt so dizzy like to faint?

Embry!, Jake called him with urge. You know I can't control it... I'm so sorry!

Yeah, and I'm sorry that your imprint consider you a freaking stalker, Paul commented.

Shut the hell up, you insensitive moron!, Jared groaned. Embry is our friend, remember?

Paul growled. He almost sounded amused for the news.

Hey Embry, have you realized you're kinda stalker?

In a whole different situation, he might had let anger full his body and then allowed his wolf side to come out and then hunt Paul until that idiot beg him for an apologize. He might have even made a bet with Jared —as they usual did, he remembered, cause' Jared still ought him some money— of how many time it would take for him to get over Paul and why not, who would end up with the deepest scars. But right now, the pain and confusion he felt were simply enough to keep the little wolf hidden. And Embry hated being a little hidden wolf. But what he hated the most were Claire's words and the effect that they had caused on himself.

Claire was definitely his doom.

And the worst was he didn't hate being lost because of her.

Not a stalker, he finally replied to Paul— her protector!

Nice protector, then.

There were then steeps behind him, announcing other's presence. Embry recognized the smell of a pack member, and when he turned around, a remarkable frown appeared at his face. Jake looked at him with a short smile, though Embry could still read his thoughts and knew his head was a mess just like his own.

What a good pair were both.

"Weren't you supposed to be hunting with Sam?" Embry inquired, trying to remain calm. Paul's words still ache in his head, like an annoyance. His body wasn't shaking, as how in Earth would he be capable of feeling mad if he could barely breathe correctly?

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