Chapter 12: Questions And Answers

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Hi again, here's chapter twelve for you all, it's a little bit shorter but it sets up the upcoming chapters so please bare with me. Enough of my rambling now though, enjoy the new chapter.


"Betrayal, It sinks its teeth into everything and everyone, it goes unnoticed like a tick, slowly building up until its ready to rear its head and break the peace, yet if you can see it early than it becomes preventable, betrayal, it's a like a cancer, and like a cancer it leaves scars." Dingo recited in her head while staring down at Katie who had cuddled up on her lap.

"So Helena, can I ask you something personal?" Katie asked softly while looking up at Dingo.

"Sure, what is it?" Dingo replied, curious about Katie's question and assumed Katie was now curious about who she really was.

"How did you really get that lump of metal in your head?" Katie questioned, staring at the metal.

"Well... I told you what my ex did to me, that was true, what I didn't mention was the abandon building she had me tied down in when she shot me and left me for dead, I also didn't mention that she set the building on fire to make sure I died." Dingo explained making Katie look at her in horror.

"In the long and the short of it the building collapsed, flaming lumps of wood, concrete and metal covered me, the metal getting stuck in my brain was just a part of that." Dingo continued while a slight stabbing pain made itself known around her shrapnel.

"How are you alive?" Katie asked quietly while reaching up to gently traceher fingers around the metal protrusion.

"Golden, or Maria if you prefer came running when she thought something wasn't right, ran headfirst into the flaming wreck of a building and dragged my burnt, bloody and borderline dead body out and managed to stabilize me until I could be evacuated. I owe her my life." Dingo answered calmly while taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"And your ex, what happened to her?" Katie asked softly, trying to understand the mercenary better.

"She slipped through the cracks and disappeared completely. But she is like a cockroach, hard as hell to put down... I know that she is alive and I know one day I will see her again." Dingo answered while pushing back the pain in her skull.

"And what are you going to do, you know, when you see her?" Katie pressed on with her questions.

In response Dingo gave a dead stare that sent a shiver down Katie's spine, answering her question, "Your going to... kill her, aren't you." Katie said as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes, It's part of being a mercenary, killing her is just going to be another day, it's not a pretty thing but it's just how things are." Dingo replied trying to keep things calm for Katie and not overwhelm her.

"Right, so what about Maria and Nathaniel? where do they fit into this?" Katie asked trying to fill in the blanks about Dingo.

"Maria is a medic and my best friend, she is here to help me however required, as for Nathaniel, he's an intelligence specialist, his job is the same as Maria's job but he is also responsible for collecting information and keeping me informed of potential threats to your safety." Dingo explained, though t did feel strange to call her companions by their real names.

"Okay, yous also said that NAMC stands for 'Northern Australian Mercenary Company' and OMC stands for 'Outcast Mercenary Company', are there other companies?" Katie pressed on now filling in more of the blanks that shrouded the situation that surrounded her.

"Yes, all over the world, even here in London." Dingo answered, silently debating with herself on how much Katie should really know about mercenary companies.

"LMC, 'London Mercenary Company'." Katie stated putting more pieces of the puzzle together, "Wait, LMC and NAMC both have a stated location, what's the OMC?" Katie asked becoming more curious about mercenaries.

Dingo mentally screamed at the question but kept her exterior composure, if Katie had learnt this much Dingo concluded that it would be safer to explain the OMC to Katie to prevent her from trying to learn the information elsewhere and put herself at a potential risk.

"Time for a history lesson on mercenaries, Before, during and after the second world war mercenary companies were appearing rapidly across the world, in the beginning it was fine, guns for hire to do dirty work for whoever payed the most, government or otherwise." Dingo started explaining and Katie listened closely, her curiosity peeking.

"As time wore on some mercenary companies grew larger and started merging with others, this formed a mercenary company called the IMC, 'International Mercenary Company', twenty four years ago they grew to large for there own good, broke international laws time and again and wiped out all other large scale mercenary companies." Dingo continued.

"The governments of the world were forced into taking actions, a call was put out for mercenaries who had survived the IMC and three thousand soldiers answered. They became the OMC, tasked with wiping out the IMC with military support form all across the world, Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, the US and everyone in between was called to arms, this was all kept secret from the public." Dingo recited, going into further detail about the history of the OMC and mercenary companies in general.

"In the end over the course of two years the IMC were pushed back and finally wiped out, the OMC was also wiped out with the exception of a hundred or so members, from there most went on to rebuild the mercenary companies or retired to normal lives, some broken by the mercenary war took their own lives, the term outcast was given to them because they were outcast mercenaries." Dingo finished while Katie had a look of shock on her face.

"That's... horrific." Katie said quietly as she realized exactly what her dad was once a part of.

"True but that's life. So with that in mind I want you to promise me if you have anymore mercenary related questions you come to me, for your safety." Dingo said looking down at her charge.

"Okay, I'll ask you." Katie agreed, cuddling into her bodyguard now feeling more trustful of her guard since she had been truthful and gentle with her.

"Good." Dingo mumbled wrapping her arms around the smaller girl and pulling her into her embrace and gently placing a kiss atop her charges head.


And that's chapter twelve, I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you in the next one, bye.

Duty (Female Mercenary X Female Student)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant