Chapter Ten

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Years passed, I was still on the hawks, however Kane took my spot as captain. Ever since I lost her i never played the same. I stood behind the glass and watched as Jack took goalie lessons from Corey crawford himself Sure he was ten now, but man when he is 18 he could easily take Corey's spot and Crow knows it. 

"You look horrible Jonathan." She said not taking her eyes off of Jack. She was right, being only 29 I'm already balding, doctor says it's from stress, I haven't slept at all which explains the dark circle that I now have around my eyes, and I lost a lot of my muscle. I looked at her, she had my engagment ring and wedding band I gave her, only she had a tattoo, Andrew's signature. She had bruises every where, two massive ones on the sides of her neck, almost like she was choked, a bruise mark from a time she was slapped, bruises everywhere. I touched where the slap mark was, she flinched. 

"You okay?" I whispered. 

"I'm Fine"  She cringed and backed away from me when Andrew walked down the hallway. 

"Hey my favorite little whore." He said grabbing her hair and pulling her to him, thats when I did it, I punched him clean in the jaw. Before I knew it I had Andrew pinned under me, beating him sensless.I looked at Andrew, he had two black eyes forming, his lip and forehead were bleeding. But hey, pay backs a bitch. I was in a daze, I saw Sharpie holding Bella, she was crying. I couldn't tell if she was crying because Andrew was hurt, or because I was changing. That's when It hit me, I was no longer Jonathan Toews, the 18 year old super-star who was born to play hockey in the NHL. Captaining at team at 20, Promised to have the number 19 retired, promised to be inducted into the Hockey hall of fame. I was no longer Jonathan Toews. I was a Monster. 


It's OVER. 

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