Part 15

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"I apologize, for being so brazen the day before." Ithilae tells Legolas as she faces Randir. The horse nips at her fingers, glad to be reunited with his mistress for now.

He shakes his head, the memory of her smile the moment she saw her steed still fresh in his mind. "There is no need to do so. I caught you at a bad time." He pauses before uttering his own apology. "I am sorry if I push you for answers that you not wish to share. It is not my place to do so."

She glances back at him, appearing a bit surprised. "I-... Thank you." she tells him appreciatively. "I know how it appears, but I have good reason for not being, so to speak." she says quietly.

He nods in understanding. "I do not doubt that you do... I only hope you learn to put your trust in me one day." he says, watching her as she stares into the distance over Randir's head.

"I hope so as well Legolas." she finally says.

After a moment of silence, he smiles. "You have a remarkable horse, to have traveled all this way to be with his master." he compliments, making her nod.

"Indeed he is. He is almost like a hound. I am pretty certain that when we leave here, he will set out again as well, only to meet him again later. He just has his ways of finding me each time." she explains before turning to him.

"I have spoken with Lady Galadriel. In two days time, she will see us off from the shores of the Silverlode. She will provide us with boats so we may avoid the Orcs that have come to seek us out. Haldir and the others will have created a perimeter to depart from safely by then." she explains, making him nod.

"That is well. If we sail as far as the Falls of Rauros, that will leave us at the border of Gondor and close to Mordor. Only... how will we cover the distance from there?" he wonders.

Ithilae narrows her eyes in thought. She knows the way to the gates, true. But she does not know the way in. The gates are not the way.

The days pass by quickly and the company is somewhat feeling refreshed after the much-needed rest they have been allowed in safety. But now it is time for them to part.

A layer of mist lies upon the banks of the Silverlode as the sun tries hard to break through. The air is slightly chilly yet, but it brings great promise of a fine day. The company is eager to set off.

Each member of the company is adorned with a cloak, fastened by a broach, typical in the style of the Elves of Lothlorien. The cloth feels familiar to Ithilae.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." Celeborn states as he stands before them. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes."

With a final gesture of farewell, they step into the boats. Ithilae aids Sam as he wobbles on his feet before Aragorn steps in with a nimble leap, setting the hobbit down before helping Frodo settle in as well.

Satisfied that they are seated, she looks over to see that Boromir, Merry and Pippin are already settled in the second boat. That leaves her to take a place among Legolas and Gimli whom still have room available.

As Legolas pushes to boat away from the shore and falls in line with the other two, Ithilae's eyes fall to the Lady of the Woods as she stands on the shore, her hand stretched out in farewell. And it really seems like it is the final farewell, concerning the words they've exchanged earlier;

"I feel proud, that you have chosen to follow this path, for I know it has not been an easy choice to make. Even now you keep making choices that are laying down the foundation that makes your future, solidifying it." Galadriel says in a breathy voice.

Ithilae gazes at the fountain before them, taking in her words. "What kind of future will that be?" she questions.

Galadriel's rosy lips quirk upwards, her eyes sparkling. "That is for time to tell you, for I do not have that answer. However, I feel like it will be one that you can accept without regrets." she reveals.

That is all very vague, Ithilae believes. She can come to accept many things if she has to. Even death.

"I can tell you one thing for certain..." Galadriel starts, catching Ithilae's attention. "However your future will play itself out, it does not lie here." she tells the younger elleth.

"How so? Is this not still home?" she asks, a little worried.

Galadriel turns to her, gazing at her with a warmth in her eyes. "Should you return here, you will not find us. We shall go West, The Golden Woods shall be empty before long." she explains, making Ithilae's eyes widen.

Galadriel's smile only grows. "Do not despair by our leave. Everything will fall into place before journey's end. But should you come to long for the old days... I have for you this..." she says, holding out her hand.

Ithilae holds out her hand and looks in surprise at what the Lady lays to rest in it. "This is a seed of a Mallorn tree, one of the very few given to me by Gil-Galad. Once planted, it will make a healthy tree. Its branches will color golden for many generations."

Ithilae gazes at the nut, caught in a net of silver thread, ready to rest on her chest until she decides to do away its holdings and lay it in the soil.

She puts her hand to the necklace, feeling life's energy bottled up within the silver shell.

She glances at Legolas, who is still smiling after receiving a Galadhrim bow. She learned a while ago how passionate he is when it comes to the use of a bow. She doubts any other gift would have made him happier.

Her eyes then fall upon Gimli, who looks to be caught in thoughts of his own. "I have taken my worst wound at this parting having looked my last upon that which is fairest. Henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me." he sighs suddenly.

"What did the Lady Galadriel present you Gimli?" Ithilae can't help but ask, curious now that Gimli hasn't said one single bad word about her since he laid eyes upon the Lady's beauty.

Gimli's eyes fill with emotion. "I asked her for one hair from her golden head. She gave me three!" he exclaims in pure bliss. Ithilae purses her lips, looking down to hide the smile battling up her lips, while Legolas just widens his own in amusement.

There is not much talk to be found on their boat for a while after that. With Aragorn, all is pretty silent as well. Only Merry, Pippin and Boromir seem to chatter among themselves. Boromir doesn't appear to be feeling as downfallen as he was in the woods.

They continue to sail down the Anduin in an apparent peaceful manner and the high green-topped hills mellow down as they sail further South and trees grow further apart and turn brown of leaf.

Ithilae catches Legolas eyeing the riverbanks frequently and she understands why. There is something approaching, a darkness that makes her spine tingle uncomfortably. The others seem quite unaware of the fact, blissfully so. It will not be long until evil will let itself know.

Her walls are finally crumbling a little. She's trying to open up at least,although it doesn't come naturally.

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