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so this whole fic is super fast paced because it is a short fic lol.
BUT THIS IS ALL CUTE since i haven't updated in ages so you're welcome


"Danielle," I said in a sharp tone. "We need to fucking talk."

I ran a hand through my hair and tried to settle the chaos ensuing in my stomach. I was both so goddamn livid and so devastated at the same time.

God, I really did like Dani so much. She'd been my friend for ages - plus maybe I'd really become accustomed to all that red hair and laughing my ass off with her.

But to think she had betrayed me like this, went further than whatever our relationship was. It cut straight into our friendship and the mere respect she even held in her heart for me.

"I just can't believe you would do something like this," I mumbled, trying to retain my fierce stance and not crumble completely.

I clenched my fists and let out a shaky, unsure breath. "I know that technically we aren't together - and that I'm also at fault for kissing other people-"

I swallowed, trying to sift through my thoughts and make a more direct point. "-but that's different. I'm doing it as a favor to a friend - not like I'm finding any particular joy in it or anything."

"This," I continued, "what you're doing however?" I made a circular motion with my hands. "That feels more like you're doing it for your own pleasure. Like just because we aren't officially a thing doesn't mean we're not... a thing at all."

I scrubbed a hand over my face, pressing my fingertips hard against my temples. "I get that you must be really frustrated with me because you're probably accusing me of being a hypocrite - but you knew about Kellin first. I made the arrangement with him before you had decided to tell me how you felt."

"And I did fucking like you, Dani," I said, my voice shaking a little. "If you weren't prepared to wait for me, then fine. But you could have had the decency to tell me at least."

I took another breath, holding it in and trying to even the tone of my voice.

"I think we should break up."

There was silence in the room - cold, unfriendly silence. It made the air feel thick, as if hands were circling my throat and tightening their grip with every passing second. I could hear loud, anxious thuds of my heart in my ears and the sinking feeling down below.

The anxiety that was welling up in me was enough to throttle me where I stood. I felt like my heart would give out from how quick it was beating. If any more minutes had passed like this, I'm sure my heart pumping so furiously would have actually started to hurt.

"That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard," Kellin said to me, his eyebrow raised in a mocking expression.

"Hey," I snapped.

"Cut the guy some slack," Jaime huffed, nudging Kellin with his shoulder. Jaime sat up in his bed and regarded me with sober eyes.

"He sounds so weak," Kellin continued, "like it's his fault."

Jaime took a moment before nodding along. "He's got a point. It kind of sounds like you're the one who's apologizing."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2018 ⏰

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