With a heavy sigh and dropped shoulders, Jimin gives in, following his friend to his office. There, Namjoon settles in his leather chair and Jimin dives into the other. When offered tea, he simply shakes his head, too exhausted for anything. He is thankful for running into Namjoon at such a place, really, but his thoughts keep on drifting towards Seulgi.

"What's your relationship with her?" Namjoon asks cautiously as he prepares some herbal tea.

"I'm the jackass who left her pregnant. The inglorious bastard that inflected her pain." He says mockingly towards himself.

The doctor hums softly then settles back in his seat. Taking his glasses off and ruffling his short hair, he looks younger than before.

"But you still care." It's an affirmation, and Jimin nods.

Then, he remembers the reason of her fainting still being unknown. "Is she –" But he stops, shaking his head. "Are they in danger?"

Namjoon sips from his tea and shakes his head. "Not really. It's actually a common symptom for pregnant women to feel edgy. But she should care for her alimentation more. She needs more vitamins and proteins. And moral support would do good. What did her family say about the pregnancy?"

And then it strikes him. Jimin knows nothing about her. He ruined the life of not only his arch nemesis, but also a complete stranger. Indeed, how would her parents react, once they find out? Will they blame him? Will they ask him to marry her? Because, marriage is...

"Though there's more to it." His friend's words bring him out of his trance, and Jimin's eyes widen in fear.

She can't be hurt!

"Your blood type is A positive, while hers is A negative. When Rh negative blood is exposed to Rh positive blood, the Rh negative person begins producing antibodies to fight the invading blood. While Kang Seulgi is a A negative, she might carry a baby that is Rh positive. Thus, if the mother has antibodies to the Rh antigen, those antibodies can attack the baby's red blood cells. This can lead to complications to the baby including anemia, jaundice, and other blood related problems. And it also affects the mother."

Jimin feels like diving into a sea of confusion. He sees the letters fly around his head, unable to process such information. Namjoon notices, and he puts it simpler terms.

"Because your blood types are different, it might cause harm to them. But don't worry, we'll try our best to keep them safe and sound. Once she gives her consent, we will sensitize her with Rh immunoglobulin, which is an injection, for any problems to be prevented."

Jimin bites the bottom of his lips. His brows draw together. Her state is really unbalanced.

It's all his fault.

The weight of the problem settles over his shoulder, diving down like a rock. He is a failure. His thoughtless actions caused a woman misfortune, and possibly endangering the life of his child.

Because, above all, he is the father of his child.

"It's a blessing that it was found out now. In some other cases, it's found out in the latter stages of pregnancy. Then, the danger of miscarriage is higher." He grimaces. "In some other cases, the mother miscarries without even knowing the reason why."

No. Seulgi will not be among those people. He will make sure of that.

He will protect them, no matter what.

She feels a tad bit weird, and the scent of analgesics isn't helping either. She feels the sensation of throwing up. She is connected to all sorts of machines. She is numb. She is barely in her sixth week of pregnancy, and it's already her second visit to the hospital.

Great, just great. She muses with annoyance.

As her eyes get used to the sickly white walls, she notices black in the corner of the room. An ominous splatter, a shadow of death. Her body recognizes him before her mind does. Her blood begins pulsating faster in through her veins and her breathing uncontrollably hitches. Her senses heighten. He wears a leather jacket, an AC/DC tee, black jeans and combat boots. His hair is a mess with strands randomly sticking out, and his eyes are closed.

As Seulgi stirs a bit, his eyes spring open, and Jimin looks at her bewildered. Mixed emotions wash over his face; happiness, concern, and something soft and warm. This cocktail of emotions cause the woman to shudder.

"Good morning. I see you're up." He says, as he walks towards her with a silly smile plastered on his face.

Seulgi frowns as she gets into sitting position, tucking the pillows at her waist.

"What are you doing here?" She questions as the events from last night come back.

For a moment, she panics thinking that maybe he wants to hurt her, or has. Everything then settles back in place. She is safe. They are safe. She feels the baby inside of her.

"I'm sorry about last night." Jimin kneels next to her bed, despite a chair being there.

Seulgi feels sorry about it too. She has no idea why she lost consciousness. Could it be due to stress?

"I brought you something." He muses, grinning widely, like a teenage boy. Jimin shows her a basket filled with a variety of fruits.

Some of them, she sees for the first time. The woman is confused. Why would he be so tactful now?

Her wonder does not last for long. Jimin fills her in with the different blood types, and the possible consequences. He also mentions the sensitizer, and how helpful it might be.

Truthfully, he hasn't closed an eye for the entire night. He stayed up researching about the blood types and possible aftereffects, the sensitizer, the Rh immunoglobulin, and all possible scenarios.

"But what's your reason for telling me all this?" Seulgi asks, still unclear of his motive.

This is it, Jimim tells himself, knowing he has to give away the reason. His antics must certainly seem out of place to her.

"I'll be responsible for you and for our baby." He declares with determination.

Seulgi's eyes widen, unable to believe what he just uttered.

"However," he adds, as he wets his lips.

"I want you to move in with me."

Nineteen | SeulMin FFWhere stories live. Discover now