Diagon Alley Part 2

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"This", she explained gesturing to the wall behind her, "is a portal. It leads to Diagon Alley, one of the busiest shopping streets in Wizarding London. We are sure to find everything you need there. Now to open the portal you need to touch this brick three times with your wand, which we will acquire later today. The brick's rather easy to find, three up and two across from the dustbin. Any questions?"

Three up, two across. Three up, two across. Three up, two across. The chance that she would actually forget it was slim to none, but that didn't mean that Hermione was willing to take chances with matters as important as these. The professor took a minute to take in each of their faces as if she would be able to read a questions on their foreheads. She was a witch though and a teacher at that, so who knows what she was capable of.

"No?" she inquired one last time, "Well, then – "

She never finished her sentence, twirling back to the wall instead. Hermione let out a small gasp as pulled out a smooth stick from somewhere in her coat. An actual wand! Hermione couldn't help but wiggle her toes in her shoes. She was that excited! The professor was going to do magic, actual magic! Hermione had to bite her tongue to keep from yelling out something obscene as she waited in anticipation.

Three quick tabs later, it finally happened. The brick started to quiver, then wiggle and suddenly they every brick around it started to rearrange itself forming a sober archway large and wide enough for her and her dad to walk through together. Hermione's mouth fell open as she stared at the portal in awe of the astonishing phenomenon she had just witnessed. Her eyes swept over the edges of the archway and then back to the middle, repeating the experience in her mind in an attempt to understand it. 'Magic' Hermione thought with a revering grin.

When she finally let her eyes rest on the professor, Hermione saw that she was wearing what was perhaps the kindest smile she had ever seen on the professor's gaze. They made eye contact and for a second Hermione thought that she had misjudged the professor, perhaps she wasn't as cold as she had previously thought, but then the moment was over. The professor lost her smile and Hermione straightened her back. 'There was a whole new world to discover and no time for loitering!' she scolded herself.

The professor cleared her throat, catching the attention of her astonished parents who had been touching the walls in fearful awe. "If we could please continue," she said politely.

Her parents shot out of their stupor, looking a bit sheepish as they realized that both their daughter and the professor were waiting for them. Her dad cleared her throat as well, most likely out of embarrassment, before answering: "Of course, after you, madam."

With a slightly amused nod the professor took off again. Hermione immediately started to follow, but felt herself being stopped once again. This time both of her parents commanded one of her hands. Hermione couldn't help but roll her eyes somewhat petulantly as she felt the firm grip both her parents had on her arm, but was nevertheless determent to not let her parents' overprotectiveness spoil this experience. Thus, even though she had a little more weight to drag along, Hermione catapulted herself forward into the busy street that was Diagon Alley.

Hermione's head kept shooting from side to side trying to look at everything at once while still listening to the professor who was walking a few feet in front of them. Not that she could hear much of what she said, the chatter of stream the shopping wizards and witches – and it was painfully obvious that they were wizards and witches; what with all the pointed hats and long robes – drowned pretty much everything else. Nevertheless Hermione still attempted to listen and even managed to catch a few words.

"Cauldrons... just get you a basic one..." professor McGonagall mentioned just as the shiny, black surfaces caught her eye. The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons making them glitter, but the professor didn't pause; she was already pointing to another shop.

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