Night 3

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  • Dedicado a my mom (cheesy I know)




verb: kiss; 3rd person present: kisses; past tense: kissed; past participle: kissed; gerund or present participle: kissing


touch with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, reverence, or greeting.


I'll be the dawn

of your worst night.

The only thing

left in your life.

Yeah, I would kill

for you, that's right.

-If That's What You Wanted, OneRepublic


"Come on!" He joked, while tugging me along. I laughed.

"John!" He turned his head to face me and gave me one of the most amazing smiles I have seen, even now it still takes my breath away.

"Yes princess?" He stopped tugging me and I slammed into his chest. The rain we've been running from continued to slam against us, the cold droplets stinging my skin, like tiny needles.

"Let's get out of this rain." I forced out. He grinned, as if I told him the funniest joke ever.

"That's what I was trying to do sweetheart." I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"Oh." Was all I said. John grabbed my hand once more and took off. The rain pounded against the pavement, not unlike John's and my feet. The light from lamposts were hazy and set a surreal landscape, making more omnious shadows that one's imagination would dance in and revel among the ghosts and demons it conjures up.

I don't understand why we were making such an effort to get out of the rain, for we were soaked beyond repair. Finally we reached John's house. The looming mansion didn't offer it's normal invitation in the cold winter air. I wouldn't either if I had to drenched kids try to come in my house.

"Come on!" John laughed at my my expression upon finding out where his destination was really. I reluctinally followed him into the house worth more than my soul (and Supernatural claims souls to be the most expensive thing).

"Johnathan! Were you planning on ruining that rug?" Maryse asked before smaking his head playfully. He grinned.

"Hello Mrs. Maryse." I spoke up. She smiled in my direction.

"No need for formalities Jocelyn. I know you, and you know me." She was about to hug me before realizing, that alike John, I was drenched. She sighed.

Nights of InsomniaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora