12 years without a Mother

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Angie POV-

I started to panic as I saw the lady run up to us. My Mum. I didn't want to face her, I tugged German's arm and we cared on walking down the road. I turned my head to see if she was still following me. She was. I didn't know what to do, German's face looked scared. We knew she would never improve of us, But i then thought to my self I saw her when trying on my wedding dress and she didn't seem to recognise me or didn't see me so that means about 12 years we haven't spoke. I don't think she will remember my face.

I told German this, We began to slow down. We turned in to the park, He took me over to the pond. We sat on the bench there, we watched the children excitedly feed the ducks some bread. "We will have to come and feed the ducks with our little one" German said, I turned to face him. He came closed and put his hand on my bump and then kissed me on the lips. I ended quickly as all I heard was my name being called.

"Angeles Carrara!" that annoying familiar voice said, I turned to see my mother just standing there staring at me. "Actually, It's Angie Castillo" I said I really didn't want to talk to her. I stood up and started to walk off. German was following. "How could you do that to your own sister" I heard her say as I walked away. I turned around and shouted back "Says the mother who didn't talk to her daughter for twelve years!"

German caught up with my and held my hand, "Ignore what she said. you have done nothing wrong" he said before kissing me on the cheek.

I turned around to see where she was now, she just sat on the bench we were sitting on, looking the opposite direction. She made me feel so guilty, I just didn't know what to do anymore. Maybe my mum was right, What would Maria say, she would hate me.

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