The Next Day

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rThe Next Morning

Angie's POV-

I woke up to find German's hand on my stomach again. You can really tell that he is excited. "good morning, Beautiful". He looked at me deep in to my eyes again. He came closer and kissed me on the nose. "Good morning, What are we doing today?" I ask, I know there was something I just don't remember what. "Hmmm let me think....." He was being sarcastic so there must of been something thing important or something I shouldn't of forgot.

"We are going on holiday today, Angie!" as soon as he said that it clicked in my mind. I jumped out of bed. I looked back at him he looked disappointed because I jumped out of bed when he was just about to put his arms around me. To apologise I leaned down and kissed him but when I did he lifted my by waist and brought me closer to him. When the kiss broke I opened my eyes to see his big brown eyes looking in to mine again. I smiled and then got from the bed and went to have a shower.

when I came out of the shower, I got changed and put my feather earrings in and then I finished my hair, I say in front of my mirror doing my make up when German comes behind me. He put something around my neck I looked down to see a silver heart locket. it was the one he gave me a while ago for my birthday. He told me to look inside it revealed two new pictures, One of me him and Violetta from that day he planned and the other one was now mine and his wedding photo. "I guess you think it was fast for the photo already" I nod my head, "I asked can he print it straight away that's why" I gave a quiet laugh. We start to talk about where we are going for our honeymoon, But won't tell me anything, All he said was that He has packed for my and put my phone and things on charge because it's a long flight.

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