Smiling like mad

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German POV-

I turned back around to Angie after looking at Violetta, "Is something wrong?" she asked me. "Nope, just that Violetta saw me touch your stomach and I think she knows because she is smiling like mad!". I looked deep in to her eyes, she ever I do this she goes red I find it cute.
We go to a table, I sit down and put Angie on my lap. She lends her head on the top of mine, "So when's the first scan Mrs Castillo?". She looks at me, I know she has no idea, she always forgets stuff. When she was just about to say something Violetta comes walking up to us.

"Is there something you two need to tell me?" she says in a mysterious way. I look up at Angie. She stands up grabs my hand and Violetta hand and we go somewhere where no one else is, When we finally stop, I go behind Angie and put my arms around her waist and put my hands were the baby is. She looked at me and expected me to explain, so we told her that she was going to have a little brother or sister. Tears came to Violetta's eyes, she was so Happy, she came up to me and Angie and hugged us really tight. She went skipping off very happy when she did I whispered in Angie's ear "It's defiantly a little German, I just know it".
She turned around and looked up at me, "And how do you know that?". I tried thinking of something really good that could make her believe me but nothing came to mind. Instead I took her hand and we started to walk back towards the building but we noticed the path that we were following, Carried on, we carried on walking following the path step by step in till it came to the end. At the end there was a lake. We sat down on the bench that was next to it, You could still hear the music from the party. The song was going quieter meaning that it was going to change, The song that came on next was 'The best day of my life' it was mine and Angie's song. I stood up offered her my hand she took it and we started to dance just in the moon light.

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