Are you ready... Mum?

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Angies POV

ahhh I am so excited, Today is the big day. Me and German are finally getting married. After nearly a year I am so excited. I am with the rest of the bridesmaids in a Hotel room, It was so hard last night not being with German. I normally fall straight asleep when I have his arm around me but last night I just couldn't get comfy, My cousin helped me put my dress on so it looked perfect, A lady was doing my hair so it was wavy but half of it was up. I was having my final things done when Violetta walked out in her cream dress, I stared at her, She looked so much like Maria. I felt tears come to my eyes I didn't know what to say. She came up to me and hugged me the hotel was about twenty minutes away from the church so we needed to leave soon. When everyone was ready, Violetta came back up to me and hugged me again, As she hugged me she whispered in my ear "are you ready, mum?" I smiled at her at her The word mum ringing in my ear. My mum still doesn't know that I am getting married.

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