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Requested by: Fluffing_Fandoms go check them out!!! Thanks so much for suggesting this!! Sorry it's so crappy and took this long!!

~ Dave's POV ~

I did it.. I finally did it!! I just asked the love of my life, Karkat Vantas, to go on a date with me!

^ Flashback ^

'Today's the day!' I thought while walking into school. The day went on as normal until the class that I had with Karkat started. The whole time I was glancing at him nervously, I could tell he noticed this. After class I waited up for him because he is always the last one out 'cause of his tiny size. I stuck my arm out in front of him before he walked out. Of course me being so tall and him being so short he ran face first into my arm. "FUCK, WHAT THE HELL DOUCHEBAG?!" He yelled at me stumbling backwards, obviously thinking I did it on purpose. "Oh god I'm so sorry!! I really am! I just wanted to talk with you and then I forgot I'm taller and I'm rambling I'm sorry.." I said, mumbling the last part. He just stared at me a moment then said, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU NEED?" "Um.." 'oh god now I'm getting nervous! This is not strider like! Just be cool! Be cool.' I breathed a deep breathe and said, "Would you like to go on a date with me?" A second of Silence.. four seconds of silence.. ELEVEN SECONDS OF SILENCE!!! 'I'm gonna go nuts.. SAY SOMETHI-!!' "SURE." He said. I just started at him till it clicked in my head and I smiled. I really, truly, smiled. "Yes!! Erm, I mean, awesome. Are you free Saturday??" "YEAH.." he answered shyly. "Okay, I'll pick you up at 5:30?" "Y-YEAH." He mumbled, still staring at me, shocked. I smiled at him and opened the door for him, he walked to his class stunned.

^ Flashback ended ^

> Time-Skip to Saturday <

Today's the day. I'm taking Karkat-Fucking-Vantas on a date!! I had packed a picnic dinner to take to a secret pond in the park.

I knocked on the Vantas household's door and waited. After a little while Karkat opened the door, he was dressed as usual, like I, but with his hair combed, even though it was still cutely all over the place. I held my hand out for him to take, he blushed and took it, looking at the ground shyly while we walked to the park. I was ecstatic!

When we got to the park I pulled him to a clear spot by a secret pond. He just stared at the pond, mouth agape, I could even see his nubby fangs, so cute!! I slipped my hands from his to start setting things, up which I now think I should've done beforehand. I saw him look down at his hand with an expression that was almost lonely, it made me feel sad and I want to just give him a big hug and a peck to make all his worries go away! So I worked faster and when finished, I sat down and pulled him down to sit on my lap. I chuckled at how cute he was when he's blushing like a mad man- er.. troll. I had brought quite a bit because I don't know what he likes; Doritos, pickle dip, plain chips for dip, crackers, different cheeses for crackers, mini sandwiches, cucumber slices which I hate but maybe he likes them, pickles, cans of Pepsi, Root-Beer and Dr.Pepper, and apple juice, of course. I placed my chin on his should and said, "take your pick, I didn't really know what you liked so I just brought a variety of shit." "CAN I GET UP OFF OF YOU NOW? ITS NOT LIKE I DON'T ENJOY HOW WARM AND COMFORTABLE YOU ARE BUT SERIOUSLY." Did he just say something without cussing..? "Fine.. also did you just speak without cussing?" I say picking him up and setting him beside me. He blushes harder, if that's possible. "N-NO! I FUCKING S-SAID FU-SHI-HOLY MOTHERFUCKER I DIDNT, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME DAVE?" Oh god I like the way he says my name.. I giggled- I mean laug- yeah, no I giggled. Shit this is weird..

~ Karkat's POV ~

It was a little awkward.. but once we got used to each other we had a lot of laughs and giggles and all out fun. I was actually very surprised that he asked me to go. I'd have had red feelings for him for the longest time but I didn't think he really knew I existed.. then one day I ran into his arm and cussed at him and then he asked me out. Weird way to ask someone out but I'm grateful he did cause I've been depressed all week. He made me day, week, LIFE really!! At first I just thought it was a truck but when he actually came to my house to pick me up, I had to hurry and comb my hair. It didn't work but he didn't seem to mind in the least.

We watched the sun set while eating and making small talk like, "what's your favorite color," or, "favorite food?" He asked the favorite food one, to which I answered, "pickles." I ended up eating all of them cause he doesn't like them.

After eating till full he lifted me up and set me back on his lap, I blushed but snuggled back into his chest. We pointed out stars that had started to show themselves and talked quietly while snuggling. Finally dave yawned, which naturally I yawned too, which we giggled at, and he started packing things up saying that it was getting late and didn't want to keep me out too late. I frowned, not wanting this to end. He saw this and said, "we will do this again I promise." I smiled at that and at him smiling. Gog, I love his smile. He walked me home holding my hand, when we got to my hiv- house we both stopped at the door and stared and it, neither of us wanting this day to end. "Yo, can I get your Pesterchum?" Dave said breaking the silence making me look over at him. "ABSOLUTELY." We exchanged pesterchum users, then went back into silence. This time I was the one to break the silence. "I SHOULD GO IN BEFORE MY BROTHER SEES HOW LATE I GOT HOME AND STARTS GOING ON ANOTHER TANGENT ABOUT TRIGGERS AND SHIT," I chuckled. "Yeah, okay.." He then kisses me on the cheek, "HEY! YOU MISSED DUMBASS!" He chuckles and turns me toward him. I lean and so does he, with us meeting in the middle, our lips slightly touching. We stay like that for a moment until Dave pulls away and smirks. "Night babe." He gives me a peck and starts walking off. "HEY WAIT!! WHAT DOES THIS MAKE US?!?" He turns around, still walking but backwards, "wanna be my boyfriend?" I smile widely and say, "ABSO-FUCKING-LUTELY!!" He just chuckles, and turns around and starts walking towards his hive- house, always forget that.

I lay in bed that night just daydreaming about how wonderful our life would be.

The end!


} A/N: hewo! :3 it's Author-Chan here! I wanna apologize for how shitty this is. And for not making it cute.. IM SO SORRY!!!!!! I'm an awkward person and I've actually never been on a first date-let alone a picnic date- so I don't know what's supposed to happen. So all this is kinda improvised.. thanks for reading anyways though!! Love you my beans!!


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