Chapter 2: The Beauty of Pain

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The most suitable words I find to describe pain is "a blessing in disguise." You do not really know yourself earlier unless you get through a difficult phase of your life. You consider yourself a weak person, who is not able to face any suffering, who would get broken and never heal. When you face this pain, you prove your thoughts wrong. You come to know you are stronger than you think, you come to know that nothing in the world is stronger than the human heart that bears and goes on bearing until it reaches the peak of power and audacity. You come to know that nothing in the world is more powerful than the human mind which experiences different days, stormy, rainy, bright, gloomy and cloudy. At last, the world itself proves that no cloud is so dark through which the Sun can't shine.

The world consists of different kinds of people. There are some, who'll lift you up, help you out and make you smile. While, some others will make you cry, weaken you internally, make you feel like giving up and worthless. There comes a time when you start believing what they say about you. You start considering yourself worthless. You cry over being of no use. You forget your blessings, you forget your purpose, you forget who you are and just become that weak person they want you to be. When they see an endless potential within you, they make their efforts to stop you, to make you feel useless, because they are scared of your success, hence, they create hurdles in your path. You are responsible for how you respond to what happens to you and you are going to make a difference. Your ardor is your strength, your smile is your positivity and your laugh is your courage. No one else is you and that is your power.


I have always tried,

To make myself smile.

But in the dark scary nights,

These thoughts which are as dreadful,

As demons, ready to kill;

Always find a way to come back.

Haunting me and my mind,

Killing me and my heart.


The poem which I wrote above is quite depressing but it is as well true. We always want ourselves to be happy, no one wants pain but we forget the fact that rainbows do not come out without any rain. Almost 90% of the things that happen in your life are affected by your own thoughts. We, humans, have a lot of problems. We are always scared. We always see the dark side of everything. Real change comes when your mind starts focusing on the bright side of things. Positivity and optimism always result in positive outcomes in the strategy we call "life." The human mind is so strong that whatever you focus on, you end up being in that situation. That is why human psychology says, "The way you treat things, is what they become." This phenomenon is named as "Pygmalion Phenomenon." We see different situations in life where we keep focusing on a fear we have in our hearts. We are so focused on that fear, that we always keep thinking what am I going to do if that happened to me? We actually give that fear a physical existence and we end up saying, "The same thing happened to me which I feared the most."


In the end, I learned;

Those thoughts have got power.

For whatever I have thought so far,

I gave it a physical existence.

I have learned that it was my mind,

So powerful to turn those fears,

Into a reality and give them space.

In the end, I learned;

I have got power of a kind,

Which is the strength of my mind.

I can make my life better,

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