You didnt do it Properly~

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---Fell's POV----

I smirked and watched as Killer unexpectedly pulled Dream into the river with him, making the smaller let out a yelp before he hit the water with a splash.

Killer laughed and held on to Dream until he got his bearings and started treading water lightly. Even from here I could see the blush on both of their faces. It was subtle, but still noticeable.

As soon as Dream was happily swimming he splashed Killer in the face. "Give me some warning before you yank me in next time!" He cried, diving underwater as Killer went to splash him back.

"Hehe don't worry I will." Killer said as Dream resurfaced, a mischievous look on his face.

Dream pouted and glared at him. "I'm serious!" Killer laughed and cupped his cheek softly with his hand. " I know you are~"

I rolled my eyes and looked away, not about to watch Killer flirt with Nightmare's innocent brother.

I let my eyes wander across everyone else either in the river or on the river bank.

Ink had got in and was calmly treading water while chatting to error, who was sat on the river bank, like Dream had been previously. He had his feet in the water, but nothing else, and he clearly wasn't planning on actually getting in the water. But then again, neither was Dream.

Nightmare was sat stiffly next to Cross, glaring at everything. Cross glanced at him and chuckled before pulling him on to his lap and hugged him tightly, ignoring Nightmare's cry of protest and frantic struggling. Cross nuzzled him softly and Nightmares fighting became weaker and he eventually have up, snuggling closer to Cross and sighing.

Geno and Reaper seemed to both be asleep, the two of them in the position of Holliday sun-bathers. It made me snicker really at the thought of skeletons trying to get a tan.

I looked in the river to see Dust jumping off the bridge again, doing a flip and landing in a straight dive. Blue giggled and jumped off the bridge after him, no method of fall, just a good old cannon ball drop.

A little further down the river Horror and Lust were laughing loudly as they splashed water at each other, the two of them having a sort of water fight. Horror seemed to be winning as Lust got hit by splash after splash of water. Eventually Horror stopped and his smirk fell as he realised Lust wasn't there. He looked around slowly and frowned. "Lust...?"
Suddenly Lust burst up from the water behind him and tackled him down with a laugh.

I smirked and leaned back on my elbows before glancing at Sci. He had been looking at me when I turned my attention to him, but as soon as he'd realised I was watching he'd quickly looked away and stared at the grass, his face flushed blue from the embarrassment of me catching him in the act of watching me.

I laughed and shifted so that I was sat next to him. "You okay...?" I asked, letting my gaze meet his nervous one.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine....don't worry about it..."

I glanced at him and shrugged. "If you say so..."

An awkward silence lapsed over us and I subconsciously cringed, not enjoying the strange tension between us.

Sci seemed to be also finding the strange tension weird and unsettling as he shifted and squirmed in place, desperately trying to think of something to say that would brake this strange thick tension.

I was also thinking of a way, but my mind had gone completely blank. Not a single conversation starter popped into my head.

I groaned and flopped on to my back, letting the grass tickle the sides and back of my neck softly. Sci looked over at me and blushed again, his face turning a darker shade of blue.

I glanced at him then back up the sky, nearly laughing as I saw something.

"What is it?" Sci asked curiously.

I smirked and patted the space next to me, a wide smirk on my face.

Sci shuffled into that spot nervously and looked at me. "S-So what now...?"

"Lie down~" I purred, making him squeak and blush. I laughed. "Heh calm down Sci I'm not about to pull something don't worry."

Sci blushed again and sighed before hesitantly lying down next to me. Immediately I pointedly what had made me laugh. "Look. That cloud up there looks like a bunny!"

Sci looked at me like I was crazy before bursting into laughter and looking back up at the sky. "Haha your right it does!"

I watched as his hand pointed at another cloud. "And that one looks like a turtle!"

I laughed. "Turtle? It looks more like a hedgehog to me."

Sci huffed and shook his head. "No, it's clearly a turtle! Look!"

I laughed and sighed. "Haha Okay okay it's a turtle!"

Sci smile at me and I felt my face heat up, just like it always does when were together. Sci's face was already flushed blue from how close we were and my face was soon to follow, my signature red blush creeping up my face as I looked back up at the sky and away from his cute little face.

We must have been laying there for about half an hour when Sci suddenly got to his feet and looked around. I glanced at him and he looked down at me with a smile before walking out of my line of vision.

I rolled on to my front and watched as Sci walked over to the forest that marked the borderline of Craitown. He paused for a second before walking in.

I got to my feet and looked round at the others before quickly running after him. Why's he going into the forest?

I skidded to a stop at the borderline of trees for some reason. It's almost like a spell. Everyone at Craitown is like this. You can be running full speed at the trees, the police after you or something, but you'll still always pause or hesitate before you keep running through.

I shook my head quickly and walked in, sighing as the relaxing shade of the trees blocked off the sunlight and heat. Maybe Sci just came in here for some shade?

I continued to walk and smiled once I saw him. He was leant against an oak tree, his back resting against the thick trunk, seemingly deep in thought.

I smirked, suddenly thinking of something and walked over to him.

Sci broke out of his daydream as I drew closer and blushed. "O-Oh hey Fell..."

I walked closer. "Whydya run off in here?"

He smiled. "Because I was hot, and being smart, I realised that in the forest it should be cool and not as hot."

I smirked. "We'll you got that right didn't you~?"

Sci blushed and nodded.

I looked him up and down and chuckled softly. "You know Sci..." I purred. "There's something you did awhile ago that's really been annoying me and driving me crazy..."

Sci gulped and pressed his back against the tree as I continued to slowly walk closer to him. "Wh-What's that...?"

I grinned and pinned him against the tree, my arms on either side of him. "It was to do with that dare~" I whispered.

Sci's blush darkened at our position and then darkened again at my words. "Wh-What a-about it?"

I smirked. "You didn't do it properly~"

He practically fainted when I lent down and kisses him. The moment we made connection he went limp and gripped on to me weakly to keep his balance.

I shut my eyes and continued to kiss him as he wrapped his arms round my waist and pulled me closer.

Eventually I pulled back and smirked.

"D-Does this mean we're together now...?" Sci stuttered nervously .

I laughed. "I guess it does~"

I know you all love Scifell so much, which is funny to me cuz it's my least shipped ship that I ship in this book XD
(That made sense right?)

Oh well imma shut up now XD


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