"I don't care about what they look like when covered in blood! Your foolishness and stupidity caused too many problems!" Grell stares at William with wide eyes; he has never heard William so angry.

"That's the most emotion I have ever seen you show." Grell says after a tense silence. Growling in frusteration William throws his hands into the air, muttering curses under his breath. Grell Sutcliff will never learn...

"Sweet mercy of the Thorns of Death,
Put to sleep the Grim Reaper's soul;
A life that never ends."

Eric stares down at his black shoes as his feet shuffle through the grass and dirt, muttering an old song under his breath,

"Pure poison of the Thorns of Death,
Bury the eternal soul that knows no peace,"

Images of Alan's vibrant smile surfaces in Eric's mind and he blinks back tears; Alan is like his brother...

"Time blurs away,
Carving countless wounds.
If living is a torture,
Then why don't you...give up?" A tear escapes Eric's lime-green eyes as he imagines a life without his best friend. Alan can't give up.

"Eric! Eric Slingby!" Eric lifts his head and sees an unfamiliar reaper racing in his direction. Like other reapers, his eyes are a bright green, however his hair is dyed an electric blue, sticking up like the tendrils of a startled octopus. Slowing to a stop Eric watches curiously as the reaper runs over to him, stopping a few paces away gasping for breath, "Eric Slingby?" The reaper asks, resting his hands onto his slightly trembling legs. Eric nods gingerly,

"Yes. What is it?" The reaper straightens and rakes a hand through his hair, the blue tendrils buzzing with static.

"There was an...incident involving Mr. Ronald Knox," The reaper says watching as the blood drains from Eric's face causing him to pale so slowly that it appears agonizing. His expression is a look of utter dismay as the reaper continues, "And now we have no way of getting him conscious."

Amber wakes up screaming; her hands clutching the hem of her blanket and her body is drenched in cold sweat as her throat turns raw. Her vision is completely black and Amber can't tell if she is asleep or awake; both her dreams and her life resembles nightmares. There are footsteps and a hand grabs onto Amber's arm. Shrieking, Amber swats the hand away and dives under her covers. That dream...those black eyes...was it a dream? It seemed so real: the man in a silver mask and a man clad in black,  fathomless eyes staring at her, his cold fingers gripping onto her neck...and Ronald; Ronald being beaten...screaming...killed...

"What is going on?" Ciel's voice finds its way into Amber's ears and she bites her tongue to prevent more screaming. The metallic taste of blood explodes in her mouth and she spits.

"I-I don't know m-my Lord!" Mey Rin wails, obviously distressed, "She started screaming and wouldn't stop..."

"Mey Rin. Please leave." There is a tense silence and then the shutting of a door. "Amber." Ciel says, his tone becoming soft and concerned, "Please come out from under there." Amber hesitates, still feeling the terror from her nightmare. Ciel sighs,"Please?" Amber gingerly lifts the blanket over her head feeling cold air rush to her face, cooling her burning skin.

"Is there anyone else in the room?" Amber inquires, her fingers still clenching her blanket.

"No." Amber nods her head, trembling violently, "Now what is the matter?" Ciel rests a hand on Amber's shoulder and she flinches, biting back a startled yelp as she remembers the man's grip on her neck, his fingers digging into her delicate skin.

"A nightmare..." Amber replies, suddenly feeling childish. Ciel must be younger than her so she shouldn't be revealing this side of her, "It's stupid..."

"Tell me." Ciel orders, his fingers giving Amber's shoulder an encouraging squeeze.

"They killed him; the man in the mask and the man with the black eyes." Amber whispers, the sound of Ronald's screams filling her ears, "And I was next..." Her voice trails off and transitions into silence, "I told you it was stupid."

"No, it's not." Ciel replies, "Now can you tell me one more thing?"

"Yes, what?"

"Why are there bruises on your neck?"

SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE!!! I was stuck cleaning my room T·T
Then we had to pick paint colours for our rooms and it took FOREVER! Hope this chapter was good enough; I was having a bit of writers block and all I could think about is whether I should get semi-gloss paint or eggshell...and this is why I will never go paint shopping again.
I'm just wondering, is this story good enough to show my teacher? I'm kind of worried that it won't be good enough and that it is lacking plot...

Thanks for reading!!!!!
♥ you all:)

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