"Good morning, YolaJung! Miss you, let's go get breakfast, baby!" - Jaehyun

Hyejung read the text and did her signature disgusted/grossed out face to which Haerin questioned.
"Why? What's wrong?" - Haerin
"I've no idea why my boy is so cheesy" - Hyejung
Haerin took the phone to read the text out loud, even the driver heard, both of them cracked up, driver tried hard keeping it in
"What?!" - Hyejung
"Cute lover boy he is. It's just a simple question, answer loser!" - Haerin
"Then why did you and this uncle laugh?" - Hyejung
"Because you're a joke, that's why" - Haerin

Hyejung just ignored what her sister said and composed a text to reply to Jaehyun

"Oh hey good morning, I'm going somewhere, I can't breakfast with you, sorry Jae!" - Hyejung
Almost immediately she got a message again and it continued
"Why? Where are you going? I asked you to let me know?" - Jaehyun
"It's okay, chill! I'm going with Haerin to meet my uncle!" - Hyejung
"You walked to YG alone, didn't you?" - Jaehyun
"Um..you met Mark too? Wow! You didn't care to let me know. I could have walked you, I'm saying because it's not safe, Mrs.Pali is crazy and you know it!" - Jaehyun
"It's okay! I'm safe! Don't worry!" - Hyejung

Hyejung waited a couple of minutes to get a reply from Jaehyun but he did not so she got worried.

"Unnie, Jaehyun isn't replying to me. I think he is upset because I walked alone and I did not let him know. Ugh, is that even a reason to be mad?" - Hyejung
"I guess he is worried. You should listen to him, he must have told you for a reason and honestly that lady is a creep so I support him!" - Haerin
"Whatever, form allies or something you two!" - Hyejung
"Stop getting mad and apologize to him, you should've told him. He's your boyfriend, listen to him, it's for the better!" - Haerin
"You can stop now!" - Hyejung

The car stopped finally and both of them got off, sadly, Hyejung was completely pissed off and not excited anymore. 'Ugh I was so happy. Everyone just wanna kill my mood! It's okay, I'm seeing my uncle, I should be happy!', Hyejung thought to herself as she walked with her sister to the door, without a word.
"You mad at me?" - Haerin
Before Hyejung could reply, the door opened. They were greeted by their uncle, Mr.Jeon. He was very pleasantly surprised at the twin's sight.
"Finally, got to see you Hyejung!" - Mr.Jeon
"Goodmorning, Uncle Jeon!" - Hyejung
"How are you dear? Come inside" - Mr.Jeon
"I'm fine, how are you uncle? How did you identify between me and Haerin unnie though?" - Hyejung
"Because you guys are my nieces" - Mr.Jeon
"Good morning, uncle! Notice me too!" - Haerin
"Good morning, Haerinie!" - Mr.Jeon

Their uncle, Mr.Jeon is not so much older than them. He is 22years old and he just came to Korea after completing a business trip. Their time went by with both of them explaining their lives and how it is going to their uncle, just how normal relatives would meeting up after ages. As Haerin had her practice at 1pm, they had to leave after a while, promising to be back together soon! As soon as they got out of the door, Hyejung was quick to let out what she was holding in!

"Okay I don't mean to be incest but damn, our uncle looks fine! Like, I bet 10000s of girls have a crush on him, I'm so sure! It must be genes, look at me...and well you..since we are twins!" - Hyejung
"You sound incest but okay, I admit. He's goodlooking. He used to tell me how girls would hit on him back in college" - Haerin
"I'm not surprised, he's literally the hottest person I saw in Seoul after returning" - Hyejung
"*cough*Jaehyun*cough*" - Haerin
"Please, don't mention his name, I'm mad at him for being mad at me for no valid reason" - Hyejung
"You are both so immature!" - Haerin
"Hey by the way, I forgot to ask, how's things going on between you and Taeyong oppa?" - Hyejung
"What 'things'? We are just friends" - Haerin
"Sure sure, friends who stares at each other and talks all the time" - Hyejung
"Shut up, let's take a taxi back to your place, I'll drop you and then go train!" -Haerin
"No, you're gonna get late that way. We will just go to YG and I'll walk from there, it's close by" - Hyejung
"Just text Jaehyun then, he can walk you home" - Haerin
"No no no, sister, no! I'm not messaging him, I'd rather walk with my uncle!" - Hyejung
"..Um..Hyejung-ah, do you have a crush on your own uncle?" - Haerin
"What! No, incest that is, I have no crush on him!" - Hyejung

They took a taxi, and as Hyejung suggested, she hopped out with Haerin infront of YG Entertainment and bid goodbye as Haerin had to go train. "I will text you as soon as I'm done, walk safe, Hyejung!", Haerin screamed as she walked inside the company. "Ugh, I forgot to ask unnie to suggest another route to reach home else than walking infront fo SM!", Hyejung frustratedly muttered to herself. She made her way near SM only to see the sight of Jaehyun standing infront of SM with his groupmates, gladly he did not see her yet.

"OH holy mom's cow! I should just go back to YG, what the hell, such a bitch, he did not reply to my text and he is openly out here smiling? I thought he was upset but he seems happy. I'm more mad now", Hyejung muttered, standing behind a car parked to hide herself. "Okay why am I hiding? The hell he cares anyway! I'm just gonna cooly walk from there, let's go buddy", Hyejung let out, as usual, people around were staring at her. She made her way, reluctant footsteps towards SM, so she could reach home. "It's okay! It's cool! You're a queen, Hyejung! You go girl! What can he do anyway? Loser loser!", Hyejung assured herself.

"Ayo Jaehyun, isn't that Hyejung walking this way?" - Johnny
Jaehyun turned to see Hyejung and he saw and his face expression changed to what seemed like disappointment.

'Oh shit, he saw me! What the hell! Hell is he staring at? I don't care, stay mad! Don't reply!', Yolanda thought aggressively as Jaehyun glared at her. Jaehyun, all of a sudden, walked his way towards her, literally stomping. 'Clumsy, I swear. I thought she'd atleast message me while going back!', Jaehyun thought.

'Oh no, is he coming to kill me? Shit, he is walking so aggressively, why is he stomping? Or did I never noticed his walk before?', Hyejung thought all this, the girl who assured herself to walk cooly from there, suddenly turned behind and started walking fast towards where she came from. "Why the hell did I just turn? He must think I'm an idiot or a coward, including his groupmates. Why did I just turn? I'm not scared of him", Hyejung muttered and she continued, "Okay but he seems so mad", as she took a quick glance back at him walking, now walking even faster. "Even better, I'm just gonna run from behind this car!", Hyejung suggested herself.

"Yaa! Why are you running?" - Jaehyun, he ran and in no minute he reached her
"Oh shit, oh, yo, wassup? I am running? I was jogging, what do you mean running? I don't even know what that is" - Hyejung, trying to calm her own breathing
"Stop kidding! You were scared I might scold?" - Jaehyun, he took steps closer to her. Not much people on road, Jaehyun was although, as usual, wearing his mask
"Hey you funny, hahaha, me and scared? Of you? No way. That's a no no!" - Hyejung
"So why didn't you text me while atleast walking back?" - Jaehyun
"As if you replied me? Go, why are you here? Go be happy! Who am I?" - Hyejung
"Aigoo, my girl needs my attention! So cute! Should I take you somewhere for food?" - Jaehyun
"Food? Foood? Yeah okay, let's go!" - Hyejung
"Hahah fool, you're too easy, so cute! I actually showered and then came to SM to listen to our final recording, so I forgot to reply, sorry!" - Jaehyun
"It's okay once you feed me!" - Hyejung
"You're so cute!" - Jaehyun, he just pulled her and walked shoulder to shoulder, cooly, towards a coffee shop
"Yay, we're here! Let's order now!" - Hyejung
"You order. I just ate!" - Jaehyun
"You're not gonna eat?" - Hyejung
"No, I'll just watch you eat!" - Jaehyun

She ordered her food and till it arrives they continued talking
"So how did your meeting with your uncle went?" - Jaehyun
"Ohmygod! My uncle is literally the most beautiful guy I've seen ever since I came to Seoul! No kidding! Why is he my uncle?!" - Hyejung
"Um...okay? ..this is weird. So what was I then??" - Jaehyun
"Now you're second" - Hyejung
"Very incest!" - Jaehyun
"Hey hey! I'm just appreciating our very own genes okay?" - Hyejung
"True! You should! You're just too beautiful!" - Jaehyun, and with that, as usual, Hyejung blushed.

Let me know how it is! ♥️

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