- Akiteru -

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In Tsukishima's house ...

Your POV:

I woke up to a shinning bright light. Where on earth am i? I thought i was in school?  I was sleeping. So many questions bombarded my head. Uhgg I sat up straight and looked around. Then, I saw a familiar blond head. Tsukishima??!


"Oh, you're finally awake. Took you long enough." Tsukishima said in his monotone voice.

"Wait! Why am i here? What are YOU doing here? Did you kidnap me? You did something to me when i was sleeping, didn't you? PERVERT! HENTAI!" I threw him all the questions that bombarded my head.

Tsukishima sighed. "You fell asleep in school, so i brought you here. This is my house, of course i'll be here. I am doing my homework, that is until a certain munchkin interrupted me. I didn't kidnap you, in fact i helped you. So, your welcome. And no i didn't." 

"Oh." Was your only reply.

You then got up and went over to Tsukishima, who was sitting down while doing his work on the dining table. 

You observed him. His soft blond locks that covered his ears. The way his nose scrunches when he doesn't understand the piece of paper in front of him. His black framed glasses that sits at the edge of his nose. The intense focus his eyes have on his work. The way he taps his pencil to the rhythm of the song he was listening to. He looks hot. 

"You know it's rude to stare munchkin." You blushed and immediately looked away.

"I wasn't staring!"You replied back.

"Sure.." Tsukishima said with a smirk.

"I wasn't!"



"Umm, munchkin?"


"Are you hungry?" Tsukishima chuckled at your stuttering.

You let out a sigh in defeat and replied: "Yeah..."

"I'll cook. so don't destroy the living hall. Okay?" Tsukishima smirked at you before getting up to leave to the kitchen.


Tsukishima just chuckled.

You looked around and admired the place. It was decorated in a simple manner, yet it looked so cosy. The whole place was clean and neat. Wow.

After some time~

"Here you go."

"Arigato! Itadakimasu!"

You took in the aromatic smell of the food in front of you. It was a warm bowl of soba with beef slices, absorbing the flavorful miso soup that's poured over it. 

You took a bite. "Oishi! (Delicious!). You're amazing at cooking Tsukishima!"

Tsukishima blushed, but calmed himself down before saying: "You sure eat a lot for a small munchkin like you." 

You were too hungry to come up with a comeback, so you just ignored Tsukishima and ate. 

"Is it really that good that you're stuffing it down your throat like an animal?" You nodded, with a mouthful of noodles. 

"Let me try it." 

"No way! It's mine!" 

"I made it!" Tsukishima spoke louder than usual.

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