~ Peace ~

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Previously on the last chapter ...

"Of course! So, do you wanna go back now? I mean we could stay here if yo-" I cut her off.

"No, it's fine. We'll go. I've got the team and you. I don't need to worry anymore."

She flashed me a big, bright smile. "Hai! Let's go then."


We made our way back to the team and when we entered, the match had finish and everyone was packing up. We won.

"TSUKISHIMA!" Tanaka and Nishinoya called.

"You okay?" Ennoshita asked. 

"Yes. I'm fine. If not, better." I replied.

I look around and couldn't see Aisaka anywhere.

"Ano, Ennoshita-senpai. where is Aisak-" I was interrupted by a loud, painful voice.


"This is for stringbean!"


"This is for the team!"


"This is for me!"


"And this is for everything, you pathetic hoe."

It was munchkin. She slapped Miyako. Four times to be exact. I can't help but a smirk crept up my face. Thank you, munchkin.

"You listen here chihuahua, mess with anyone in my team or me again, i won't let you off."

Miyako started to curse at Aisaka as Ennoshita-senpai was already there pulling munchkin away from Miyako. The security guards also arrived.

"Let me go! I'm not done with this self-obsessed blondie!"

"That's enough Aisaka." Ennoshita said.

I went over. "It's fine munchkin." I said. Aisaka looked at me and i reassured her, and she stepped back.

"Heh, you're too scared to face me, so you sent your pet?" Miyako laughed.


"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" Miyako shouted.

I ignored her. "Everything." I replied. 

Everyone stood there shocked, even Aisaka.

"Let's go guys." I said.

Everyone started heading back and i gave Miyako one last look before saying: "Don't you dare mess with my friends or my munchkin." I walked away.

A blush creeping up my cheeks as i realized what i just said. I thanked god no one heard that but Miyako. 

As we were walking out of the stadium, Aisaka whispered to me : "Great job, stringbean! I'm so proud of you!"

I smiled. Thanks to you, munchkin.

Your POV:

Tsukishima smiled. Wtf?! He looks x100 better when he smiles. 

Coach Ukai brought us to a nearby restaurant. We all sat down and food came. I sat opposite Tsukishima and beside Coach Ukai and Hinata. 

"Good Job everyone! Let's do out best for our next game!" Coach Ukai spoke.

We started eating.

"Uh-hum everybody." Nishinoya caught the attention of all of us, then continued. "Let's all make a toast to Tsukishima. He stood up for us and even punched his ex! This is a moment to remember!" 

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