Bonus Chapter: Beach Please Part 1

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    It’s a good thing, too; since that time Arthit had announced to their co-codes and friends that they were dating, the entire first year had gotten the memo that Kongpob and Arthit are a thing. No one seemed to look at them – him, differently. They all just accepted it.

    As the bus starts to move Arthit starts to snooze. The trip to the beach is a two hour ride and it seems like his boyfriend will take that time to take a nap. Kongpob offers his shoulders but Arthit declines.

    It’s not in Kongpob’s nature to glare at people but when the group in his back begins to be rowdy he turns behind and glares at them. Bright and Toota, in a middle of hitting each other with their neck pillows, looks at him apologizes. He doesn’t want the noise to wake his Arthit, and he’s trying to make his senior comfortable in his seat.

    Halfway through the ride Arthit’s head finally lolls to his side and right into Kongpob’s shoulder. He smiles. Kongpob swipes the stray hair on his boyfriend’s forehead before placing his head gently on top of Arthit’s and closes his eyes. He was quite tired as well, with all the assignments and papers they needed to submit.


They were all expecting the place to be just like the one where they received their gears but this one is different – way different. Kongpob has no idea how much they really earned at the Gear Café but it seemed like it was quite hefty to be able to afford this kind of place accommodating all the freshmen.

    It’s one of those resorts that have people greet you at the reception with drinks. Tew, the ever responsible one, looks confused. Even the seniors are looking in wonder.

    “What did you guys do to earn this reward?” Toota whistles.

    They all enter the marbled floors of the reception area, there are plush chairs at the corners which looks good enough to sleep on, there’s a small fountain in the middle where most of his classmates are taking selfies with; the reception desk is situated at the back having an open space on both sides where Kongpob can see a pavilion overlooking the sea.

    Tew comes to them and says, “It’s all been paid for. We’re really staying here,” he smiles and huffs. “I called one of the seniors and he laughed at me. Apparently, the University president knows the owner and asked to get a discount for us.”

    Bright wraps and arm around Tew and says, “My my, your batch is so lucky.”

    Kongpob cannot agree more. The resort is like those resorts his parents would take him to during vacations. It’s nice that he’ll get to spend it with his classmates, and especially his boyfriend.

    And speaking of his boyfriend, Arthit is splayed in one of the couches sleeping. Kongpob chuckles and goes to wake him up.

    “P’Arthit,” Kongpob whispers.

    “P’Arthit.” he blows air into Arthit’s ear. The other guy groans and swipes aimlessly. Kongpob chuckles and tries again.

    “Wake up, P’Arthit.” he whispers closer this time. Arthit blinks and leans away from him. It doesn’t hurt Kongpob anymore; he knows his boyfriend does that as a defense mechanism from years of being friends with Bright and Toota, and sometimes Prem.

    “Wha – are we – what’s happening now?” Arthit croaks.

    Kongpob chuckles and says, “We’re assigning rooms now.”

    Each room can accommodate 4 people only. The seniors already agreed on rooming together. They all look at Arthit and grins at him. “I’m so jealous of Arthit,” Bright says with a manic grin, “He’ll be rooming with his boyfriend.”

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