Chapter 12: The Labyrinth

Start from the beginning

Out of the corner of your eye, red hues gleamed in the dark. You spun around. The creature's head emerged. You gasped, the memories five years ago now rushing back to you: The wild beasts. The same old creatures you battled with in the game. They were here, and you already knew what this meant.

"She is the Chosen One, thine beasts recall, Master," he gnarled. He must be talking to Ardyn, you thought.

"Where are your friends?" you gritted in hatred.

"Thou killed them all. And by paying you back, I shall kill one of thy friends as well, little imbecile," the rest of his slender and furry body emerged from the darkness. It was confirmed. The same talking beast who must've been the leader of his comrades was here. "The pretty young lass was too loud to handle, so I killed her already. She has lack of wits. Too bad for her."

You hadn't realized your fists were clenching harder, but not enough to draw blood. Eyeing Cayla's torn body, you couldn't ignore the fact of having tears filling your eyes. You couldn't accept her kind of death. A death where she had gone through torture, her body being ripped apart.

"Bastard," your eyes flared at the beast. Your hand which held the dagger shook out of rage. "I killed your friends before because they were preying on us. My friend had nothing to do with this. She pleaded for her life to be spared!"

"We don't spare thine lives of humans! We are beasts. Nothing more than that!"

"Then I'll kill you. Creatures like you are nothing but a parasite in this world you don't deserve."

The beast let out a roar louder than you could ever imagine, then lunged at you. You avoided its attack, spinning to the right as you quickly swung the blade sidewards, consequently allowing the belly to rip open.

The beasts's stance altered, making all of his weight rested on his left extremities. You stand a chance. Before it could turn its head to you and jump for another attack, you threw the dagger towards it. The blade thrusted into the side of his neck, followed by a long howl filling the place.

"Thou shalt die for thy own actions," you spat and left the whimpering creature about to die. You turned to the burning corpse of Cayla. It wasn't enough to kill that beast for justice.

The body slowly disintegrated, replaced with ashes. The fires grew larger and larger, until it settled like a blaze amidst the dark. You felt its heat beneath your feet.

"Rest in peace, Cayla. . . I'm sorry I got you into this." Your voice croaked, nearly sobbing for feeling so guilty. But there was a part of you that told you shouldn't be feeling that way. "You died not in peace, but you're really brave. And I admire you for that . . . Don't worry, okay? I won't let any of this lead to nothing."

You wiped the tears off your eyes. "Thanks for putting your trust on me, on my decisions. Though you're not always there, I know you'll never betray me."

Soon the shadows crept away, and now you realized . . .

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

You stared down at the water's surface, your own reflection staring back at you with the same old features. Your skin drained of color, your hair in a mess, and your lips chapped they were so dry that they slightly hurt.

What was fascinating, you had been stepping on the surface of the water, not even a single toe was underneath the liquid's surface.


"Huh?" You turned around to face the thing you had been looking for. A few meters away settled a fig tree above the still water, and it floated as well. What made itself rare was that it was all of gold that you thought it wasn't real. The leaves glittered in the dark.

You looked around. More fig trees of gold emerged around, the gleaming glitters of gold made you stare at them in awe and wonder.

This place . . . had suddenly turned into a beautiful forest filled with wonderful trees settled on a still body of water. Similarly, the trees had their own perfect reflection staring at them.


"Trees. . . can talk? Am I having a mental disorder?"


You spun to see one of the most beautiful creatures you have ever seen. These creatures were known to be predators, and they are seen more aggressive than a hawk. It was very rare to see a falcon, but this type of creature was beyond rarity. Its long pointy wings glistened of silver, while the tips of the feathers glinted with purple. Its pair of purple orbs locked with yours that seemed not to end.

"The voice belongs to you . . .?"

"Who else would the voice belong to, sweet petal? Aye, my chant must have bothered you," it seemed to communicate through your mind. "Oh, my manners. I am the Great Peregrine of this precious forest."

"I don't know how to feel about this," you said slowly.

"It is surprising to know a human survived the passageway to this forest."

"I went through hell. My friend died and it's my fault."

"Ah, stop blaming yourself. You're taking everything as your fault though it's not. I know who is the one behind this, and it is sad to see another friend of yours is the one behind."

"What else do you know about me?" Your brows furrowed, not liking the fact this creature knew what happened.

"I only know the truth.."


"Leave the underground while you can. The exit is that way, to the west. Set forth and do not come back. There are more obstacles waiting for you."

"I . . . I don't understand, Peregrine," you turned back to the falcon after looking to where it ordered you to go. "What is this place? Or maybe places . . . Lucis doesn't have something like this. I'm a glaive. I should know everything about the kingdom."

Through your mind, the falcon sighed. "There are things you should not know yet, dear. The future awaits still. Have patience."

"But . . . anyway. If that's the case, I should go now. Thank you, Peregrine."

"You are most welcome."

You sent the creature a nod, and then turned to west. Countless fig trees welcomed you ahead.

"And before I forget, (Y/N). Welcome to the Labyrinth. You have entered it once again after five ears where you played the Crown City's game."

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