Chapter 10: The Physician's Cure

Start from the beginning

"Eh? You mean the Crown City? That's a hundred miles from here!"

"Yes, but," he bowed down slightly again, "forgive me. I noticed the insignia. You must be the King's royal and most trusted glaives. I should've known earlier. You can call me Cid."

"You don't have to do that. But it's nice meeting you, Sir," you told him.

"Why do you need information?"

"Since you lived long enough mister," Ether stepped forward, "we think you've known where this Starscourge has originated, especially that you had served the late King Regis Lucis Caelum."

The old man grimaced. "Ah, yes. His Majesty. . . He has been a great friend of mine other than being one of the best kings of Lucis. I do hope his son the current Crown King, is doing well. And, of course, Starscourge." He pulled a high chair nearby and sat on it, leaning on the counter table. "I am fully aware of these daemons popping out of nowhere, and that the Kingsglaive are doing the best they can to drive them out of Insomnia. But Starscourge? I cannot assume that this plague is entirely connected to the daemons spreading. The culprit behind it, I'm afraid I don't have any clue."

Ether nodded. "Well, a few days ago we received a letter from the Oracle. Lady Lunafreya Nox Fleuret. She's captured and we have great suspicion that Ardyn is the one behind it and that he might be the one breeding these creatures."

"Ardyn Izunia? I thought he was gone."

"We have no idea how he escaped. But we're here to save Lady Lunafreya and another friend of the king. Both were captured," you explained. "We don't know where they're held captive. I think you might know something about it."

Cid squinted his eyes and rubbed his beard, as if deep in thought. "I see . . . But then Niflheim has been extinct. Tenebrae is long abandoned, and Accordo couldn't be especially that its capital has a great population with the Hydraean surely continuing to bestow its blessing."

"We're planning to renovate Tenebrae after it's been taken control by Niflheim," you said. "Lady Lunafreya was supposed to reside in there and bring hope to the people left there but she's abducted. And the daemons."

"Yes, I know. And I apologize if I were to tell you that I cannot give you any information, but please do accept this as a sign of our help." He raised a hand and gestured towards Cindy. "Dear, kindly bring them the potion."

"Will do!" Cindy chirped, striding into further into the shelves situated behind the counter and then opening one of the cupboards.

"Hey," you felt Cayla nudging you, making you turn to her, "you think they'll give us buckets of chicken?"

You sent her a glare. Thankfully Cindy already returned, and when your eyes landed on what she was holding, you felt curious. It was a tiny, transparent bottle which contained colorless liquid, as if the bottle appeared empty. "What is that?"

"It is the Physician's Cure, known to bring the deceased back to life if drunk immediately. It can only be taken once, and by doing it one should make sure that the person to be resurrected is worthy of the cure." Cid took the bottle from Cindy. "This is the last remaining cure, as it is carefully and accurately created by the Royal Physicians coming from different lands."

"We are grateful enough to have it, Sir." Ether bowed. It seemed as if she was eager to have the cure in her hands.

Cid spared her a glance. "You are most welcome. But then, I think it is best if this goes to the lieutenant."

"I'm honored." You bowed slightly, knowing that this man was friends with the former king. Cid stood and walked towards you, soon handing the Physician's Cure to you. Your hands nearly fumbled by touching the small object, the liquid now seeming to glint when you looked at it. "Thank you, Sir," you said.

Cid nodded. "Well, I must say it is time to set forth, royal Glaives of the Crown City. I hope you find Lady Lunafreya Fleuret and His Majesty's friend soon. Good luck. May the Astrals be with you."

All of you bowed and darted out of the shop. Now you could feel the mysterious hot air becoming denser as you headed towards the car under the scorching heat of the sun. As you got inside, you slid the bottle into your pocket. You caught Cloud looking at you again through the side mirror; you instantly averted.

"Where do we go now?" Seth asked after starting the engine.

"A nearby forest could work," Ether answered, making all of you turn to her. "I know a man who's lived in the woods for a long time, not too far from Hammerhead."

"And how is a forest any relevant in finding Lady Lunafreya?" Cayla countered.

"Come on, Cayla," Seth said, "it isn't that wrong if we at least give it a try right? And besides, I know what Ether's talking about. The clan are typically nomads. They reside in the forest during the summer till they drift again."


"The lieutenant must be the one to decide. What do you say, (Y/N)?"

"Oh, me?" You almost startled after you heard your name. You felt bad for you were at the verge of zoning out. Having the Physcian's Cure in your hand made you nervous, and other than that, you were confused of why would Cid give you such a powerful potion. The fact that it was the last made you paranoid; you couldn't afford to lose such an important thing. "Let's give it a try," you said. "Ether has a point. The nomads might know of where Lunafreya might have been brought to."

"Alright, let's go." Ether smiled serenely—you saw it through your peripheral. Maybe she was just right. It was a good thing that one of your comrades had ideas.

Soon the car has already drifted through the empty road. You saw nothing but the hot, plain desert you passed by on either side. Silence intervened, the potion inside your pocket becoming unusually heavy. Although you thought it might be because of Cloud's Mako eyes staring at you through the mirror, you didn't know why in the world your heart was beating.

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