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It took the professor almost two weeks to figure out and fix what Mystique had done to cerebro to hide Logan from him, and by the time he was finished, they wondered if they should bother Logan with it. The incident had passed, after all, and they were all safe and well.

He's been gone for seven months by that time and although everyone missed him, they decided to give him the time that he needed.

Quite by coincidence, Logan came home of his own accord about a week after cerebro was fixed, and walked into the kitchen as though held never been gone.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" he asked as he helped himself to a soda.

Remy, Rogue, Storm and Kitty were the only ones in there and they shared a look at his casual greeting.

"Oh, not much," Kitty said with a shrug. "The professor came back to life, Bobby and I broke up, the sentinels are back, I was kidnapped and no one noticed, Rogue killed Mystique, we wiped the sentinels out then Remy nuked the base, and these two clowns got together, finally. How was your trip?"

Logan smiled as he sat down opposite them.

"Took you long enough," was all he said to Rogue and Remy.

"I missed you too." Rogue smiled.

"Obviously," Logan scoffed. "Even made you desperate enough to date Gumbo."

"Hey!" Remy objected, "I resemble that remark, mon ami!" but his wink let Logan know that no offence was taken.

"And what about the school?" he asked.

"The school is fine, especially now that Charles is back," Storm said.

Logan wasn't as shocked by that news they he might have liked, because Charles has contacted him through Cerebro shortly after he got back to the school.

"Good." He looked to Rogue. "Those my tags?" he asked, noticing the chain around her neck.


"On what?"

"On how long you're sticking around this time," she teased.

"Don't have any plans to leave any time soon, kid."

Rogue slipped the chain from around her neck and handed the tags back to him with a smile.

"It's good to have you home."

Logan slotted back into life at the mansion as though he'd never been gone, save for the danger room sessions becoming a little more arduous.

Tonight was the night of the schools annual dance and the whole mansion was busy preparing. The first part of the evening was a disco for the children aged up to 15, then from 7pm onwards, the older children had Xavier's equivalent of a prom.

The older children went all out, as you might expect, and even the adults dressed up so they didn't look out of place acting as chaperones. Partners from outside the school were allowed to attend as someone's date, but while some did have friends in the local town, there seemed to be some unspoken rule among the children that this was their night, and any regular humans meant a complete veto on all powers. Even if it meant that they went alone or with a friend, everyone stick to the 'no humans' rule.

Rogue had hated these dance when she was a pupil here as they only served as a reminder of what she couldn't do. She would never get to wear a pretty dress because they didn't make evening dresses that covered you from top top toe. Instead she made do, combining outfits, sewing arms that were not an exact match onto them or as in her first year here, not going at all. She couldn't really enjoy the slow dances either because even when she was dating Bobby, they couldn't dance cheek to cheek. They couldn't steal a kiss at the end of the night.

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