Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"So, chère, you ready to start working on your powers?" Remy asked.

It had been two weeks since the fight against Magneto and life was back to normal. Or as back to normal as things got around here.

Even Logan had stayed. Remy would have bet good money that he would take off until he had come to terms with Jean's death, but he seemed to be handling it pretty well.

Rogue bit her lip as she considered Remy's question."

"I don't know, what would be involved?"

"First, can you tell me what it feels like with your power always on?"

"It doesn't feel like anything."

"You don't have any sensation at all?"

"Not until I touch someone, then I can feel the life drain out of them. It burns, but not too hot, not painful. And of course there are the voices in my head, but the professor helped me get them squared away and his techniques still seem to be working."

Remy thought that was odd, almost every mutant could feel a change in their body when they turned their gifts on. Maybe Rogue was so used to her powers that she couldn't feel it any more, like if you live by a motorway or railway line, you get used to the constant noise and stop noticing it.

"Okay, well I think the biggest problem with your powers is that you don't have much experience using them."

He had discussed that with the professor many times but Charles had always said that Marie's problem was a mental block. Well Gambit didn't disagree, but physical action often helped overcome a mental block. Like sometimes the only way to get over say, an irrational fear of flying, was to take a lot of flights.

"Well duh!" Rogue rolled her eyes.

"Good, then you agree. Meet me in the danger room tomorrow at 10AM." He got up and left her room.

"Why?" she asked, giving chase down the corridor. "What are we going to do?"

Remy had hoped not to tell her but could see now that he had little choice. He stopped and turned to face her.

"You're going to me using your powers on me and Logan," he said.

She blanched. "You can't be serious!"

"Deadly serious," he said. "Logan and I both heal fast so we'll recover in minutes as long as the contact isn't too long. Be there!" His tone brooked no argument.

Rogue looked after him as he walked away, a stunned expression on her face. He couldn't mean that, surely. He was volunteering to be drained? And had seemingly talked Logan into it too! No, she couldn't do it, she couldn't willingly hurt people that she cared about.

She stumbled back to her room as her mind came up with a hundred an one excuses for why this was a very bad idea.

"You're late," Remy said as Rogue stepped into the danger room.

"It's a Sunday," she snapped. "I'm allowed."

Logan was leaning against the wall, waiting to get started.

"Logan and I made it here on time, you will too in future."

"No, I won't, because this is a crazy idea."

She turned to leave but Remy's next words stopped her cold.

"You are the only mutant at this school to ever graduate without having learned to control their gift," he said. He could see her wince as his words hit home but he pressed on. She had to do this, learn to control her gift, if she was ever going to have any hope of a normal life. He was being cruel to be kind and while he hated hurting her, he knew she needed this push. "You will do exactly what I tell you, or you will be kicked out of the school and fired from the X-men.

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