Chapter 1: "Her was mesmerizing"

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Location- Peccatum Urbe Inn.

Time- 09:01 a.m.

Date- 10.04.2110.

"That was a rough night," Ell muttered as she slowly opening her eyelids, taking in the harsh sunlight beaming through the small window. She started to stretch her body roughly like a cat on the bed.

Ell pushed herself to sit up and slide off the dusty hotel bed. A small yawn escaped Ell's mouth as she tries to not stay loopy. She admired the fact that she actually went to bed which is making its own hotel for unwanted dust particle while wearing her emerald coloured nightdress. Ell looked at the disgusting cat clock on her doorway which tops off being the ugliest stuff she seen before.

"The owner has no taste. What kind name is Tivan to begin with?" Ell mocked the hotel owner on lack of taste. The room was completely horrific to the point, the grudge lady who go to her well since it was nicer than this.

She quickly ignored the statement as she actually realize what is the time. "Holy cookie balls!! It is 9 a.m. already? I will miss the morning breakfast!!" Ell quickly grabbed her white bath towel and head in the bathroom.

She started to strip off her nightdress and spun the shower handle. Ell let out few slurs as the cold water were spurting from the shower head. Despite she has to bear it as that is the only thing she can have at the moment. After 10 minutes of cold shower, Ell came out with her teeth chattering like a maniac. She hurriedly grabbed her bath towel.

"Geez, not even warm water..." Ell complained loudly as she started to search through her travel bag pack for her usual attire. She begun to find piece by piece of her clothing as each of them were store in different compartment of her brown rugged bag pack.

She took out a white turtleneck white t-shirt with a hole on the stomach. She wore her undergarments before wearing the white t-shirt. She paused for a while before moving to next piece of clothing. She touched her tattoo that she don't remember receiving from five years ago. It spelled Ell's name on it which made her wonder why she need to tattoo it on her body. Ignoring the tattoo for now, Ell wore a pair of maroon shorts with black leggings.

"Better hurry up. Missing the most important meal of the day is not a good start," Ell grabbed her long black sleeveless tailcoat and wore her black boots. She took the hotel keys and went out the room door.

Ell walked through the hotel dilapidated hall hurriedly, and almost bumped into some of the occupant of other rooms. She went down the hotel stairs and head in through the mess hall. She discovered that there is no one in the mess hall except for a cleaning aged lady who is whipping the table with a napkin. The spoken lady noticed Ell's looming presence staring at her.

"My, my, did you miss the early breakfast, sweetie??" The elderly lady spoken in a soft tone as she put her actions to halt when she noticed Ell's unusual eye colour. Ell's magenta eyes took a breath from the elder lady. Trance by Ell's eyes, the lady stared at her eyes deeply.

Ell's noticed that the lady noticed at her unusual eyes and avoided seeing her eye to eye. "Well, that is bummer. Oh, well I can hit the market. Good day, ma'am." Ell quickly retired herself from the situation while feeling immensely uncomfortable with the lady staring. Despite Ell's departure, the lady still stood there staring at the same spot as she did before as she froze in time.

An elderly man came out from the kitchen door and was confused when he saw his wife in such a state. "Helga?" The man calling for his wife was ignored, making him feel much more puzzled with the situation. He walked slowly towards his love and grasped her shoulder softly. Surprise by the sudden touched, Helga quickly slapped his hands off her.

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