The Park (Night) - 6

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Please do ignore the watermark of the photo, it's kind of an example of what the middle of the park field would be a bit like - flat and covered with cloth to lay on





The day carried on with mindless talk from the group. Each and every person had sat back and relaxed as they gazed upon the sights of the day.

The blossoms were a sure eye catcher for the bunch. The petals of the trees danced with the wind, flying high above the sky.

Chase sighed full of relaxation. The day always seemed to be pleasing to her.

She looked at her phone to read the time '6:45' She thought with a smile. You see, the ombré haired girl had been keeping track of the times in the past years when the blossoms seemed to be at their full glory while the sun was still up.

She found that at this very minute of 6:45 p.m. the petals seemed to all get picture perfect as if they were on a timer.

She sat up and took out her photography camera. Parker looked over at her from his position on the ground, phone in hand of course. "Whatcha doing Chase?" He asked with a questioning glance

"You see Toxi, Chase sells some of her photos online for extra money" Katey explained with a smile "she's a photographer" Char finished Katey's sentence for her.

"Oh, that's awesome!" Stark (it went all caps omg 😂👌) smiled "I thought she only drew"

"Yup!" Sammy said, sitting up and popping the 'p' at the end of the word "she actually uses her photos for references, and we do also!" She said, proud of her friend.

"The more you know" Parker said looking back over at her

Chase took a few steps forward and looked around 'this looks so beautiful already' she smiled. Crouching down, she adjusted the lenses on the camera to get the full view of the surrounding area.

From a little ways away, Nicki and Summer were looking over at her "the competition for Chase is a bit big this year" Nicki blinked "huh?" The Hispanic tilted her head at the statement "her pictures, they gained a bit of popularity last year remember?" Nicki nodded

"Well, now more photographers have come to try to steal her shots" Summer said with her eyebrows sloped down

Nicki grinned chuckling a little with her teeth together and shown with pride, "Well lucky for Chase (and sucks for them hAh) our bean has been studying the patterns and goes to take pictures only at the best and most physically and mentally appealing!"

Summer chuckled as Nicki nudged her arm with her elbow.

Over where the rest of the group was, Emilee was taking a nap while she hugged Ashia's leg. Ashia of course was braiding her hair, seizing the moment to play with the soft strands.

Chase of course was (obviously) taking pictures of stuff and things.

Sarah was chatting with Charlotte and Parker as they ate their food, and Katey and Sammy were playing with apps on their phones.

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